Mistaken Identity [MF]

This is my first posting here. I plan on writing up a bunch of fun nights I had in the past few years if people dig this. Enjoy!

I had some friends in town, but they liked to stay closer to downtown, and at the time I had a place just north in the closest suburb. So, I hopped on a train and met them at a cool bar with a nice beer and pizza deal. We hung out there for a few hours, and I got sufficiently toasty before we all decided to head home. So my friends leave, I bum a cigarette off a person outside the bar. I take my time smoking – one of those “only when I’m drunk” types, you see.

“Hey, good to see you.” I kinda freeze, and drunk as I am, turn slowly from my waist, just far enough so my eyes can get a look at whoever it is. A black girl, 5’6, bright eyes, shorter cropped hair. She wore a black leather jacket, a loose, striped crewneck shirt, and tight jeans. Her baggy shirt did a poor job of hiding some outrageous tits, and her jeans hugged a truly thick ass and thighs. Far as I could tell, she met in the middle with a thin waist. I would be correct in that.