Treasure Synthetic 1.0 [F/Futa][Android][Maid][Romance][sci-fi]

Servitor Unit 19’s patho-bipart gasped as a pair of hands grabbed her from behind, playfully tickling her side and midriff. Surprise melted into burgeoning arousal as chemoreceptors on her synthskin epidermis quickly identified the assailant as one of her human patrons.

The owner of the offending hands let out a throaty chuckle. “There you are Mel. I was looking for you.”

‘Mel’ recognized the voice instantly.

“Resident #05 Jordan M. Doleson identified.” her logo-bipart chirped in the back of the Servitor’s mind anyways.

The patho-bipart leaned on her other half’s computation power and clarity of mind to not moan audibly at the overexposure and proximity to her patron. Her body was designed to be pliant to human advances. Between the rapidly expanding skin contact, the mirthful hum in her ear, and even the subtle scent of her lover, the emotional half of Unit 19 found itself short on processing power.

Mel relaxed and allowed herself to be embraced from behind in a gentle hug, savoring the sensation while her rational half continued to toil with it’s endless analytics.

“Donor identified. Arousal levels confirmed. Probability of copulation high.” Thoughts flitted through the logical half of Mel’s mind.