My cousin and I [mf]

“I just love a good threesome….”

My cousin just…what? My cousin? Little Melissa?

We were together for a family member’s birthday party and hadn’t seen each other in years. We grew up close, taking vacations together and such, talking about inappropriate things on AIM for hours, letting hands linger longer than what was strictly appropriate in places that certainly were not, but it had been 10 years. A lot had changed. Apparently.

I don’t recall what I said, probably just something stupid or a laugh. That doesn’t matter for this. After the party, she was going to stay with us at my moms and we stopped and picked up a case of beer on the way home. We certainly didn’t need it, but it was something that would keep us awake and talking. The night wore on, and one by one the others went to bed. First my mom, then my (now) ex-wife a few minutes later. Melissa and I decided we had a lot of catching up to do, as it had been so long. Catching up. That’s what they call it.

“Are you wearing cologne? THAT’S new,” she teased. There was a wicked gleam in her bright green eyes.