One of the most fun – and awkward – experiences of my life [MFF].

I told this story in a PM, and since I went through all the trouble of writing it once, thought y’all might like to hear it too:

When I was in college I was dating a girl who happened to live in the next town over from me. In her case, the sister was a couple years younger. Both girls had been homeschooled and were pretty sheltered. My girlfriend was still a virgin, and wanted to wait for marriage, but was VERY enthusiastic about fooling around. I was her first for many experiences.

She and her sister were pretty close, but also had a bit of a competitive streak. My girlfriend was older, smarter, and more popular, but was jealous of her little sister bc the little sister was slightly more petite and got more attention from random guys (but didn’t have a lot of luck keeping their interest when they found out how conservative she was – or at least appeared to be.)