Bridesmaids have fun with the groomsmen [Group]

It’s been a couple of years since I last posted, not much worth sharing here in that time. But oh my god, did that change this past weekend. (This is a little long.)

A good friend of mine got married on Saturday (this does not involve me fucking her or her husband, just as a heads up), and she asked me to be a bridesmaid. Another longtime friend, Veronica, was also a bridesmaid, so it was exciting to be part of the ceremony with her.

At the rehearsal on Friday we met the groom’s friends who were to be his groomsmen, including Michael who would be escorting me back down the aisle at the end of the ceremony, and Paul who would be escorting Veronica. We sat with them at the rehearsal dinner, and both of them were very friendly and funny, we were all cracking each other up at the dinner. Spoiler alert: Veronica and I fucked these two guys later.

Fucking my fuck buddy’s buddy [MFM]

I [first posted]( here back on New Year’s about hooking up with a younger guy, Ryan (I’m 36, he was 24). What I thought was going to be a one night stand has turned into a fuck buddy situation over the last few months. Although Ryan is far too young for me to date regularly, we have amazing sex, and usually end up fucking at least once a week. We took a few weeks off in March because I started dating a guy who turned out to be an ass. Once that ended (like literally the night it ended), Ryan and I started fucking again, and maybe it was just because I missed him or the other guy I’d been dating was so lame, but our sex right after my breakup was better than ever. He noticed it, too, because he said something about it, about how I seemed even more passionate than I had been before. That eventually led to him asking if I’d ever consider having another guy join in.

Designated drivers unite! [MF]

Happy New Year! I've been a lurker for a long time with not much to share but last night finally had an experience worth posting about, I hope. A brief description of me: I'm a 36 year old woman, divorced for four years now, no kids. I'm not a supermodel or anything close to that, but I consider myself attractive.

Anyway, to last night, New Year's Eve. Some new co-workers and friends invited me to a big party and since I didn't have plans, I agreed. I was a little hesitant because most of them are somewhat younger than I am, by like a decade or more in some cases. But since I didn't have anything else, I figured why not. I did decide, for a variety of reasons, that I wasn't going to drink. Not sure why I thought it would be a good idea to go to a New Years Eve party with a bunch of twentysomethings and not drink, but I excel at making decisions that don't make a lot of sense. Anyway, since I wasn't going to be drinking, and since several of my friends live not that far away from me, I told them I'd be a designated driver.