[MF] My (37M) boss’s daughter (19F) keeps sending me suggestive videos

I originally posted about this a few weeks ago, but I got spooked and deleted it so here’s a summary and an update:

My boss at my job of 7 years is, at this point, a friend — I’ve had dinner with his family many times, attended BBQ’s at this house, etc. In that time I’ve seen his daughter evolve from an awkward teen to a drop-dead gorgeous 19-year old bombshell. I wouldn’t say she and I are close exactly but she’s always been very warm and friendly towards me and in the past few years she’s added a playfully flirtatious edge (all above-board and nothing scandalous). She has my cell # from a time last year when we coordinated a surprise birthday party for her father, but she’s never privately communicated until recently.