I Finally Got My B[FF] Alone – Part Two

Part one is here if you’re interested: https://www.reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/vdqxhj/i_finally_got_my_bff_alone/

Somehow an entire movie had started and finished. I don’t think I focused on a single minute of it. I was hyper aware of the fact that I was sitting beside my best friend in the world, both of us completely naked. My mind just kept flashing back to about two hours before, when we were tangled together in that very spot exploring every inch of each other. All I wanted to do was reach between her legs and see if she was still as turned on as I was, but this time I really needed her to initiate things. It was always me starting it, and just this once I wanted her to reach for me first.

We sat in silence for a few minutes longer, and then I sighed loudly to see if maybe she’d take a hint. “I have an idea!” she said, and then disappeared upstairs. I wasn’t sure if I was supposed to follow her. Just as I was about to get up, she came back with a shoebox and plopped back down beside me. She pushed it towards me. “Open it” she said with a sly smile. I was expecting old pictures, or some sort of time capsule of our friendship. Katie was big on scrapbooking. Imagine my surprise when I opened the box and saw a small assortment of toys.

I Finally Got My B[FF] Alone

This is the story of me and my best friend, Katie. Katie and I met in high school and were pretty much inseparable from day one. Everything you imagine young best friends to be, we were. I loved her. I just didn’t realize the type of love I had for her until a several years later.

Just for a brief history we, along with another good friend, a male, were having drinks in her backyard one night. Some how we ended up laying on the grass, him laying in between us. The plan was to look at the stars, but at some point it changed into him seeing what he could get us to do. He had my arm laying across him, rubbing her crotch over her pants. She seemed nervous but into it. I was very into it, and even though he initiated this, I was really wishing he wasn’t there. He asked her if she wanted me to go into her pants. Katie was a bit embarrassed as she explained she tried shaving off her pubes, didn’t like it, and they were in an awkward grow back stage. I didn’t mind. At that point she could have told me her vagina had teeth like in that movie, and I still would’ve been ready to dive in. I was so turned on, and as far as I was concerned there was nobody else in the universe but us.