[F] I rimmed my boyfriend today and I almost died!

I always thought rimming was hot. I never tried it before. My boyfriend wanted it, I was in the mood so I tried it and it was great for the first few seconds. He has a nice in shape butt too.

As I was getting into it, I might have stuck my tongue in too deep because I felt this particle on my tongue, followed by a stench, followed by an overwhelming taste. He was standing over me.

I kindly stopped licking and he wanted oral. I tried but that taste and particle was still in my mouth, I excused myself to the bathroom where I spat in the sink and it was lightly tinted brown.

I put soap in my mouth, water in my mouth but it wasn’t enough. I went back to the room and got a toothbrush and toothpaste (he saw me) and I scrubbed the hell out of my tongue and mouth with soap and toothpaste. I was there for 20 mins before it was gone.

I’m sure I tasted poop and I don’t ever want to taste it again.