After joining [M]y first ever D&D group, I [F]ucked the two wives. (part 2)

[Part 1](

[Part 1.5](

Without any set plan in motion, it didn’t look like any chance of trying to hook up with Becca would happen. I also started to worry about tossing away our d&d group if things didn’t work out. Outside of chatting and some small flirtations, nothing else happened between Amy and I. Amy was picking at Becca’s brain all that she could, telling her about our time out on our deck. Apparently, Becca was jealous as she hadn’t gotten any alone time with Tom.

The next night, once again I was at a hotel party. My entire group except for Matt was in attendance. Any attempt to get Becca alone went out the door when I got hit on by an attractive girl. She was in a corset, heels, and bunny ears. Apparently she was cosplaying a bunny girl version of a character. (I’ll call her Tessa) So, I ended up bailing on my group as Tessa and I went back to her hotel room. Her roommates were also in bunny girl cosplays, and they knew what was up when Tess asked for a key card.

After joining [M]y first ever D&D group, I [F]ucked the two wives. (part 1.5)

Sorry, I got a lot of messages with questions that I thought I’d answer through this post, but I ended up recalling far too much and ran out of time. It’s not the “next part” of the story that I had intended, but I thought I’d at least post what I have for those who were getting impatient. MY story with Becca will come next time, for sure after the weekend though.

Also, yes, I do have a lot of pics and vids of the girls. No, I won’t share any. Begging doesn’t persuade me in any regard.


Months after Amy and I started our affair, we were still going strong. Any time we could get the chance, we would get together behind George’s back. Likewise, we tried our best to keep everything a secret. Amy always had a spare change of clothes at my place. She would try and shower off the smell of sweat and cum and sex using just water, but always had the same body wash she uses at my place. We left our sexual communication to a Google Doc file that only the two of us could edit.

After joining [M]y first ever D&D group, I [F]ucked the two wives.

I’ve always been a bit nerdy, but I’m not the stereotypical nerd, if that’s what you pictured as soon as you read “D&D.” I’ve played sports most of my entire life, my highest level at a D1 college, and most would place me in the “jock” or “party” crowd without knowing me. The reason I even took the leap into this nerdom was because my best friend passed away. He had always wanted me to join his D&D groups, but I thought the whole RP thing was just too much. After he died, I felt compelled to at least try once.

So, I went to /r/lfg and replied to a post in my city. I was the first one to reply, but soon after we had a full group ready to meet. The DM chose to host, and we all met up the first Sunday we were all available. The group consisted of the DM, two married couples, myself, and one other guy. I still remember how amazed I was upon seeing how attractive each wife was. Amy, was a gorgeous “Cali” girl. Tall and tanned blonde, with quite the large bust. Her husband, George, was the only reason she joined. They were quite the mismatch, as George had lucked out by dating way out of his league. Later I would find out that they started as childhood neighbors and friends.