Sara & Alice: More than friends? pt. 1 “Dinner” [27FF] [mild domme/sub]

I barely have the energy to unlock the door and hobble into my apartment, but as soon as I do, the smell of some meaty dish hits me and makes my mouth water. I hang my purse up and step into my slippers.

“Smells amazing, Alice! Sorry I’m home so late.” Alice steps out from the kitchen. She’s wearing cutoffs and a sleeveless tank top. “I got stuck in a negotiation that wouldn’t end,” I say.

She shakes her head. “No worries. I figured.”

“What’s for dinner?” I call back as I head to my bedroom.


“Hell yeah!”

My room is perfectly neat and tidy, despite the mess I leave it in every morning. I still feel a little bad about Alice cleaning up after me all the time, but not bad enough to do my own laundry. Like she reminds me, it’s part of our arrangement. I see that she’s left out some casual clothes for me to wear, black leggings and a sweatshirt.

I get out of my taupe pencil skirt and periwinkle blouse, leaving them both on the floor in a heap. Off come my bra and tights, and on go my comfy clothes.

Categorized as Erotica

My gym crush, pt. 16 [MM] [20s] [femboy] [straight to gay] [anal]

[pt. 1]( | [pt. 15](

Dylan poured out lube until it was dripping off of Alex’s glistening cock. He rubbed it all over, evening out the slick liquid and stroking Alex to make sure he was completely hard.

Alex eased back and bent Dylan’s legs so that his knees pressed into his chest. “*Fuck, you have such a beautiful body*,” Alex whispered as he looked down longingly at Dylan.

“You’re the most beautiful person I’ve ever been with,” Dylan replied. He meant it. Even though Dylan had fucked his fair share of conventionally attractive sorority girls, they had nothing on Alex. Alex had amazing legs and an incomparable ass, but his face was hauntingly beautiful. And the longer Dylan was with Alex, the more he wanted him. Even though Alex was about to plunge inside him, he already missed the feel of his lips and the taste of his mouth.

Alex stroked Dylan’s legs fondly. “Deep breaths,” he said. “And let me know if I need to slow down or take a break.”

“Should I push or anything? To make sure it’s open?”

My gym crush, pt. 14 [MM] [20s] [femboy] [straight to gay] [oral] [anal]

[pt. 1]( | [pt. 13](

Alex slid off of Dylan’s dick and got on all fours. There was an outline of Alex’s body in sweat on the sheet. He looked back at Dylan over his shoulder. “Fuck me again, Dylan. And don’t stop till I have your cum inside me.”

Dylan grabbed his hips and positioned Alex. He pushed inside, and Alex gasped again. He bent his leg so that his foot came up to his ass, and Dylan gripped his ankle as he pumped back and forth.

He let go and then stroked Alex’s back as he watched his cock disappear inside that smooth, round ass. His hands wandered to Alex’s ribs and waist, where he held him firmly in place. Dylan knew he never wanted to let go.

Dylan lifted his head up and roared as sweat glistened all over his naked frame. He felt the pressure building and knew he only had a few seconds left. He grabbed Alex’s hair in a fist and fucked him with everything he had.

The most exquisite release rushed through him as he filled Alex with his seed. He let go of his hair and lovingly rubbed Alex’s back.

My gym crush, pt. 12 [MM] [20s] [femboy] [straight to gay] [oral] [anal]

[pt. 1]( | [pt. 11](

Dylan stepped toward Alex and brought him into another kiss. Alex’s hands ran up and down Dylan’s chest as Dylan sucked on Alex’s tongue. Dylan took Alex’s hand and brought it to his crotch.

“*You feel how stiff my cock is?*” Dylan asked.

Alex looked up and nodded. His brown eyes were full of anticipation and desire. He stroked Dylan through the fabric of his joggers, and Dylan groaned.

Dylan wasn’t sure who was leading and who was following, but they found themselves on the bed with Dylan on top. He grabbed Alex’s wrists and held them down on the mattress as he kissed and sucked on his neck. Alex wriggled beneath him and wrapped his legs around Dylan’s waist. He let go of Alex’s wrists and ran his hands over the leggings and down Alex’s thighs until he took his plentiful ass in his hands.

“If you hand’t been wearing a mask, I probably would have noticed your cute smile first. But this,” he squeezed Alex’s ass, “is what first stood out to me.”

Alex smiled, and Dylan had to break eye contact. Looking too long into those eyes would knock him on his back.

My gym crush, pt. 10 [MM] [20s] [femboy] [straight to gay]

[pt. 1]( | [pt. 9](

They started out again into the cold and dark night. “I’m in my third year of Economics. I’m studying to go into finance. Have you seen Industry on HBO?”

“Econ! That’s cool. No, I haven’t. Is it good?”

“Yeah, it’s pretty good. It’s about investment banking in London, and from what I can tell it’s pretty realistic.”

“What made you settle on finance?”

Dylan shrugged. “I like math, and it seemed like a way to make a lot of money. Does that make me shallow?”

“Maybe just a little.” Alex nudged him with his elbow and laughed. “No, math is awesome! And we’ve all got to find a way to pay off these loans.”

Dylan nodded gravely, even though his parents were paying for all his tuition and expenses. “What about you?”

“I started out thinking I was going to be a clinical psychologist, but I switched to computer science. I really love puzzles, and computers and systems are solvable in a way that people aren’t, you know?”

They got to the parking lot, and Dylan hugged himself as Alex sprinted the perimeter. He was truly beautiful to watch: the long, powerful strides. His hair whipping behind him. His tight form.

My gym crush, pt. 9, First Date [MM] [20s] [femboy] [straight to gay]

[pt. 1]( | [pt. 8](

It was bitterly cold outside, so Dylan waited just inside the gym. He hadn’t gone running in about two years, but he figured he could probably keep up with Alex. At least for a while.

He got extremely sweaty when he jogged, so he just wore some joggers and a black hoodie. He didn’t want to get overheated, but he was expecting the first few minutes to be uncomfortably cold.

He watched people come in and out of the gym while he anxiously checked his phone. He recognized a few of the regulars, and he nodded to one of the guys he would spot for.

A cute girl walked in and looked lost for a moment. She wore dark blue leggings and a “WOLVES” sweatshirt. Her eyes found his, and she smiled.


“Oh! Wow, I’ve never seen you without the mask.”

Alex’s hair was up in a ponytail, and it was only with close scrutiny that Dylan could see the traces of his masculine features: a slight Adam’s apple, a nose a little larger than you’d expect on a woman. But more than any of that, Alex was just a beautiful person. His neck was long and elegant, and his features sharp. His warm smile felt inviting, but his keen, piercing eyes made Dylan slightly uneasy, like Alex could see straight through him.

My gym crush, pt. 8 [MM] [20s] [femboy] [straight to gay]

[pt. 1]( | [pt. 7](

Dylan reached the end of the posts. It felt a little stalkery, but he switched over to read through his comments. This guy was active in a crazy number of subs, answering questions about computer science and programming that was way over Dylan’s head. He also posted in a few language subs (Greek?) that were literally illegible to Dylan. Apparently he was also really into baking.

A few of the comments made Dylan laugh out loud. He was funny in a way that avoided the Reddit clichés like “it’s almost as if…,” “I’ll need that sauce for science,” and “damnit take my upvote.” He engaged in much more debate than Dylan, but he also asked a lot of questions. It almost stressed Dylan out to see all the subjects and hobbies he was interested in.

He was also really helpful in some of the sex subreddits, sharing hygiene tips and general advice. Dylan was excited to read that he was a switch with a preference for bottoming. Dylan couldn’t imagine ever wanting to be fucked in the ass, but he could definitely see himself on the giving end if someone like this guy was receiving.

My gym crush, pt. 7 [MM] [20s] [femboy] [straight to gay] [toys] [masturbation]

[pt. 1]( | [pt. 6](

“Was it too much?” The silence was excruciating. Ryan’s heavy breaths through his nostrils were the only sound in the room aside from Alex’s heartbeat.

“No, you were fine.”

Alex touched Ryan’s shoulder, but he pulled away. “I think I should go.” He stood and pulled up his pants. “

Are you upset?”

“No, I just need to go.” He pulled on his t-shirt.

Ryan unlocked the door and was halfway out before Alex called out, “Bye, Ryan.”

“See ya,” he mumbled.

Alex sat on the bed, stunned. He went through that night, searching for some misstep, something he did to upset Ryan. Then he noticed the pint of cum Ryan had left on his bed. He grabbed some tissue and mopped it up as best he could.

He sat at his desk and opened TikTok. Another sexy man making focaccia. He sighed and then messaged Ryan.

>Hey, I hope you’re ok. It was good seeing you tonight. Lemme know if you ever want to talk

My gym crush, pt. 6 [MM] [20s] [femboy] [straight to gay] [oral] [toys] [fingering]

[pt. 1]( | [pt. 5](

Alex had received his fair share of blowjobs–not as many as Ryan probably imagined, but enough for him to make an educated assessment of what Ryan was doing. He had never had his cock sucked with so much enthusiasm and drive. It was sloppy as hell, but he gave Ryan an A for effort.

Ryan coughed a few times as he plunged down onto Alex’s shaft, but he never slowed his pace. His drool dribbled down and soaked Alex’s balls, and the grip he had on Alex’s thighs… Ryan’s rough hands held Alex like a vise.

Alex reached down and touched Ryan’s face. “*Fuck, this feels so good!*”

Ryan looked up and grinned. “Yeah, you like that?” He pulled Alex by the hips and pressed his knees to his chest. “What about this?” He took Alex in his mouth again, but then Alex felt him shove a finger into his asshole.

“Whoa whoa whoa! *Easy!*” Alex sat up and opened the drawer on his nightstand. He took out a bottle of lube and some edibles. He popped a gummy and opened the bottle.

My gym crush, pt. 4 [MM] [20s] [femboy] [straight to gay]

[pt. 1]( | [pt. 3](

Alex knew he shouldn’t have messaged that guy. It probably creeped him out that someone at his school saw him and then called him out.

But there were other dynamics that Alex couldn’t make sense of. He’d definitely seen that guy at the gym before and noticed him checking Alex out. Like—every day. And he seemed genuinely excited when he realized who Alex was.

Plus, the guy was posting in a ton of gay subs. So maybe he was attracted to women and men but not femboys?

Whatever. He seemed weirdly transphobic anyway.

>It’s cool if I’m not your type. I promise I won’t be weird if we run into each other at the gym

He sighed and opened up his dating apps. After swiping through a few profiles, he stumbled on someone he actually knew. It was Ryan, a guy he went to high school with. He was hot, played on the college’s baseball team, and was combatively straight—or at least that’s what Alex had thought. Ryan had had a reputation for making perverted jokes, tossing bits of paper into girls’ cleavage, and being a bit of a slut.