Unexpected cuddle [F]uck leads to a [M]arathon of sex Pt 2

I return to Faye’s apartment roughly 25 min after I left. I knock on her door and hear the click from the dead bolt, the door open and she’s walking naked backwards to her room. I slam the door lock the deadbolt and meet her at the bedroom door with a deep hard make out. I reach down and grab her ass and start pulling her up to which she hopes up and wraps her legs around me.

“Miss me already” I ask
“I think you missed me more, you’re the one that called”
“You’re glad I did”
“I am, but I’m naked and you’re not”

I let her drop to the floor and begin taking my shirt off, she already working my belt having the typical struggle but manages it. She looks at my boxers that are covered in her cream from our cuddle fuck and says “whoops I got a little messy”

Unexpected Cuddle [F]uck leads to a [M]arathon of sex Pt1

Brief backstory is myself and a couple friends are drinking at our friends Faye’s (names are changed) one bedroom apartment. There’s two other guys one is my close friend and other Fayes from the city she is from, and two girls that were from Faye’s city but also moved to where we all lived, none of us are looking to hook up just a night of boozing and games. Faye was 20 I was 21 when this happened.

The night proceeds with some fun intoxication. Fayes friend went to her room and never returned around midnight. The two girls left around 2am so it’s myself my friend and Faye. My friend begins to pass out and takes up her couch. Faye goes to brush her teeth in the only bathroom that’s off her bedroom, I follow and ask for mouthwash, she says through brushing her teeth I can sleep in her bed. She has a king, her friend is in the bed against the wall so I think this works. She climbs in so she’s in the middle and I’m on the edge closest to the bathroom. She’s in shorts and a tank top, I’m in my boxers and a T-shirt, and she slides closer to me and asks for me to cuddle her, I oblige.