[MF] fucked my childhood best friend on christmas eve’s eve while watching ted

acouple of weeks ago, i got out of a 15 year streak in the friendzone (we’re both 22)

her name is alondra, and she is the most beautiful girl i’ve ever seen. she was probably the first girl i had a crush on and she is why my type is my type. shes pretty funny, cool to be around, accomodates my lack of social awareness and we’ve just been close forever. she never really reciprocated my feelings to my knowledge, save for some fooling around in highschool that never made it past an aggressive 1st base.

after high school, we went different ways, with me focusing on my kickboxing career and finding a shitty job to sustain me while i made a go at being a pro fighter, and she went to college for occupational therapy in a state far, far away. through the wonders of social media we managed to stay in contact and talked on a weekly basis.

over the holidays, she told me she was coming back home for christmas and that we should catch up in person while she is in the area. i said sure and said i could just pick her up from her parents and we could figure something out to do.