I gave 3 Blowjobs in a single night at the club!! [FM]

I miss clubbing, but nothing I’ve done since has topped the time I sucked off 3 guys at the club.

I was 19 then. Just as tiny, just as introverted, but just a little more stressed. My hallmates and I went clubbing every other week, because we enjoyed getting drunk and shit-faced, and I enjoyed the sex. They didn’t have to know that though. I remember I was wearing a tight racerback dress, the kind that could bring out what little curves I had. My friends were dressed to tease and maybe make out with hot strangers, but I was dying to fuck.

We arrived at the club slightly buzzed, and being a gaggle of hot 19 year old girls, we got some attention immediately. While my friends flirted with some of the guys, I noticed one of them checking me out a little more than usual. He came over and said hi, but I couldn’t catch his name over the music. Not that it mattered much. He was decently hot, and as we introduced ourselves, I suggested getting a drink at the bar.