The admirable work of a sculptor


The moment she wakes up that morning but it is later than usual. He has already left. The clock has just turned nine. She clearly sees the two hands pointing in the perfect shape of a pie. There was no need to run her eyes as she did almost every morning. 

She felt a bit tired but then started seeking in her memory as to why. This “why” led her to the events of the previous night. When she has danced on his lap while wrapping her hands as to cease her own fraction that has been lost for some time. She bit her lower lip and could not think much longer about the events of the last night. She knows if she pursuit these streams of thoughts, she would no longer be able to hold herself together.

She takes a walk down the alley that connects every entrance in the home. The alley leads her to the desired destination, the bathroom. She observes with a frown on her face that he has again forgotten to put the toilet seat down. Typical guy thing. The moment she sits on it, a stream of warm droplets flow down her vagina. She is not wearing any underwear. She never wears any underwear when she is at home to go to bed. She likes the sensation when the bare linen sheet touches her bare hips during the night.

Coming back home

Standing on his feet all day and dealing with miserable people who constantly question his judgment. He puts a smile on his face, every time someone’s insulting him or one his co-worker, from the other side of the counter. What else he can do? Money isn’t cheap. Sometimes it comes with insults.

When he is not smiling, he is always tired, sad, and burning from the inside. Waiting for his shift to end, when he can go back riding subways to home. For most days, he doesn’t think much, only that, if he could end his misery. Only if he could find his drive. Rarely when he gets a seat on the last train to home, he lets his mind replay the series of events that happen during the day. Mostly, they consist of different kinds of insults or some new insult he heard that day.

In those moments of replays, he tries to find moments of success, when a customer is genuine and shows any type of kindness. Those rare moments, makes him smile again when his head is laid back to the window. This time, he too genuinely smiles.