When You Know You’ve Found That Special Someone [MF]

“So what do you think?”

We tossed our bags on the floor and fell onto the hotel bed. We had decided on a whim to call in sick to both of our families for Thanksgiving and make a road trip to Chicago instead. We had been together for less than a year, and we had spent countless hours telling each other about the things we liked, the places we loved, and where we would like to go together. Not wanting to wait any longer, a surprise road trip to Chicago seemed like the best idea.

“I think this is amazing,” I replied as I rolled over to look out our hotel window. Chicago was one of his favorite cities, and it was my first time visiting. The holiday buzz on the street gave the damp, grey evening an impossibly romantic look. He slipped his arm around my waist and kissed my neck. I rolled over to face him and threw a leg over him to pull him closer.

“Look at how beautiful it is outside!”

He laughed and said, “It’s raining.”

Making friends at a new swinger’s club with my [F] husband [M]

The first time going to a new swinger’s club is always a little unnerving. Because of the nature of their existence, it’s not easy to find information before you first arrive, like, is there parking and are the bathrooms clean. You typically have to send an email to God only knows who, and they will look at your pictures and let you know if you’re good to buy a membership. It’s less about attractiveness, and more about screening out single guys, although I’m sure being sexy does help.

We arrived in our uber at a corner of the city that looked very uninviting. Storefronts were dark, and I couldn’t see anyone outside at all. Our driver hesitated, “Are you sure this is the right address?” I had checked a thousand times, but I checked again.

“Yes, this is it,” I said with feigned confidence as I scanned my eyes along the dark sidewalks. We thanked our driver and stepped out into the chilly night air. I felt goosebumps prickle along my thighs, and we stood on the sidewalk for only a moment before a man stepped out and said, “Club Mystery? Right this way.” *All names have been changed, including the club*

I [F] went to a strip club with my husband [M], and then we put on an accidental show

“We should go to a strip club,” he said, giving me a side eye grin. We had said goodbye to his parents, but we still had five hours or so before our flight.

I sighed. “It’s Tuesday. And it’s not even noon. I’m not sure this sounds like a great idea… how about we just get drinks at the airport.”

He replied, “There’s a place just a few miles from the airport, and the drinks will be way cheaper.”

I couldn’t argue with that logic, so in half an hour, we were pulling up to a nondescript black painted brick building with blacked out windows and a sign that would be neon at nighttime. The parking lot was basically empty, and we saw a dancer getting dropped off for work, all bundled up in leggings and a sweatshirt with her arms full with tote bags.

Inside, we got drinks (very cheap indeed) at a not so shabby bar and settled in at a table. There were a couple of older men milling about, but we pretty much had the place to ourselves. A couple of girls greeted us, and another girl came out to start dancing on stage. I elbowed my husband, “Damn, the dancers here are hot.”