The Book of Love [F22]

*This is my first go at writing a coherent story, it’s probably rubbish, but I’m hoping to get better with comments from you lovely people. If you know of a better place for feedback on erotic writing please let me know in the comments. Not sure how to tag fetishes, but in part one the main one is nudism, though its not explored explicitly. I’m not entirely sure where the story will go, I have ideas that would be more suited to a transformation RP subreddit, so again if there’s a better place let me know.*


Her nipples pressed against the glass table under the weight of her breasts, one resting against the arm holding her head up as she stared at her phone. She sighed, then leaned back against the bench seat slowly, dropping the phone to the bench beside her. Sugar crystals stuck to her areola as she stirred the 3rd coffee of the evening. Rachel decided to call it a night, and looked over towards the waitress behind the counter and motioned for the bill. After a minute of absent minded scrolling through her phone, the waitress appears with the bill and places it down on the table.