[MF] Close cousins – Part 5/Finale

This is the last part of this series for now, I hope you enjoy it.

I was dreaming again, this time I could see Yasmine. But she’s being pulled away from me. When I try to chase after her I find myself unable to move, I try harder and harder but to no avail. Suddenly I hear gunshots and my vision fades to black. I open my eyes and see Yasmine playing Call of Duty on my PlayStation, the volume wasn’t too loud but I could definitely still hear it. I watch in silence as she finishes up the match. I start to remember when we were kids we used to play videogames all day long. Once she finished her match she looked back at me and smiled.

“Good morning sleepy head.”

“Good morning, did your dad drop you off?”

“Yeah and your mom went out grocery shopping with him so we’re all alone.” Yasmine says as she comes and lays next to me.

She starts kissing me and puts her hand on the growing bulge in my shorts.

“Actually I should probably take a shower first before we do anything.” I said as I start to get up.

[MF] Close cousins – Part 4

Thank you for the increasing support, it means a lot. Sorry if this part is short, it’s just the way the story unfolded. Anyways I hope you enjoy part 4 of this series.

I start having a dream that i’m getting my dick suck and it feels amazing. I can’t see exactly who is sucking my dick but she has blonde hair, so it’s not Yasmine. I want to stay in this dream forever. But the dream slowly starts drifting away, like I was being pulled away from a giant screen and all I start to see is blackness. I open my eyes, fully awake, and see blonde hair bobbing up and down my dick. It’s my aunt, she was the girl in my dream.

“Auntie what are you doing?” I say as I try to sit up.

“Lay back down sweetheart, we don’t have much time before your uncle gets home.” She says with a mouthful of cock.

[MF] Close cousins – Part 3

Thanks for all the support again, I hope you enjoy part 3.

I wake up to sound of my uncle telling my aunt goodbye and realize my cousin, Yasmine, is still in the same position as last night. Yasmine was straddled on me, head on my chest, but somehow my dick managed to slip out of her pussy while we were sleeping. Hearing my uncle’s footsteps coming towards the kitchen, which is right next to where we were sleeping, almost gave me a heart attack. I quickly pulled the sheet over us both and repositioned ourselves on our sides, tucking Yasmine in-between the back of the couch and me. I tried my best to cover all of her hair under the cover, but I couldn’t cover it all because my uncle had just entered the living room. In my mind I thought he had seen that Yasmine wasn’t in her little sister’s room, and came over here to look for her. But instead of seeing his head pop up above the couch, I heard his footsteps get fainter as he walked into the kitchen. I calm myself as much as I could, being in the situation that I was in. And tried to wake Yasmine up without startling her. I grab her by the shoulder and start gently rocking her back and forth, as I hear my uncle starting to make his coffee. It didn’t take long to wake Yasmine up but instead of having her as stressed as I was she was horny from me shaking her, accidentally rubbing her pussy against my morning wood.

[MF] Close cousins – Part 2

Thanks for the support in my first story, if you guys want to suggest any sort of story line or want me to focus on a specific fetish i’m open to suggestions. I hope you enjoy part 2.

As the light creeps through my blinds, I wake up from the best sleep i’ve had in my life. I stretch in bed and smile as I start to remember what exactly happened last night. Then I realize Yasmine isn’t in bed with me, so I get up and go look for her. I could hear talking from the kitchen as I walk in.

“Hey you woke up just in time Hen!” Yasmine says this smiling at me.

Which reminded me of when we were younger, she used to call me Hen as a nickname. I wonder what she meant by just in time but then I notice my uncle at the table as well, he must of just gotten here to pick her up.

“Just in time for what?” Asks my uncle

As if she didn’t hear her father ask her a question she tells me, “You should come over and spend the night.”

[MF] Close cousins

This is my first story, I would love some feedback. Hope you enjoy.

It all started when my cousin visited from Texas for the summer. She is three years older than me, has long black hair with brown eyes and usually visits every summer but hasn’t in a couple of years. When she did visit we would spend a lot of time hanging out. We would either play videogames watch movies or just goof around with the rest of the family. I’d consider her to be my sister if only she didn’t live across the country from me.

The day she came over to my mom’s house was different from all the other times she visited. As I heard the doorbell ring from my room I immediately knew it was her, I got up and went to open the door for her. As I open the door I’m at a lost for words at how beautiful she looks. She’s usually in a t-shirt and jeans when she arrives but this time she has a grey dress on squeezing her body into this perfect hourglass figure. The only thing that came out of my mouth was, “Hey Yasmine!”