Part 1, which I’ve since deleted, was about a slow build up between my friend and I when we were both around 18. It let to us finally making out in the back of a taxi and both of us realising how much we wanted to fuck each other, despite her thinking she was straight. This is a continuation of that.
The next time I saw Issie was as a bar. We ended up next to each other, once again, and she secretly teased me under the table the entire time. Nothing major – a hand on the thigh (though this drives me wild), her hand on my back under my top, her leg against my leg.
I got up to use the restroom at some point and she decided she needed to go too. We walked there together, and just before she walked in, she pushed me back against the wall and kissed me deeply. I heard giggling next to me and turned to see teenage boys, so we stopped there.