Pre covid, it wasn’t unusual for me to be on the road between thirty six, and forty four weeks out of the year. That’s the life of a musician. We’re a very unique breed, in that our music comes first, and everything else is inconsequential. These are stories of my sordid, and sometimes dramatic, sexual escapades from the road. Enjoy!

It was 2007, and I had just turned twenty-two. We (the band and I) were in Pittsburgh for two nights, playing at a relatively small venue. After our final set, we played a few encores, and bid the audience farewell. It was time for several stiff drinks, and some much needed relaxation. Luckily, there were a ton of great bars nearby.

After thoroughy scrutinizing our California driver’s licenses, the bouncer was finally satisfied, and in we went. Jimmy, our bass player, and my best friend, found us a table in the corner. Our server, whose name was Kailey, took our orders, and returned promptly with our drinks. To this day, what befell me next, is still vividly implanted in my mind.


This post is a bit long, but I hope you enjoy reading it, as much as I enjoyed writing it. As always, it is one hundred percent authentic, and the names have been changed to protect the innocent.

I met Hannah my junior year of college. She and her best friend Amber, who were also roommates, came to our fraternity’s annual Pimps and Hoes party. Hannah and I had been dating for a few months. She had no idea what a slut her best friend was. Amber and I had been hooking up since the first night we met. I wasn’t a very good boyfriend. Plus Amber was a bonde, which are my true kryptonite.

My last class of the day let out at around 3:30. In a truly epiphanic moment, I decided right then and there that the carnal shellacking I was about to give Hannah, would be my last. Not because I wasn’t into her, but because monogamy had never been, nor will probably ever be, my strong suit.

The nude Hannah sent me was epic. There’s no telling how many poses it took to get it just right. She was sitting up in bed, fingering herself. Her flirty D size tits were perkily eager, and she had a seductive come fuck me grin on her face.