The Time Me [M] {24 at the time} and my Boss [F] {35 at the time} had some fun on our work trip. (Part II)

I didn’t realize how long and detailed this was going to be until I started writing. This should be part 2 of 2.

So after the events that just transpired, I felt devastated. It seemed that everything had been trending to that exact moment, all the things that transpired over the previous few days. What went wrong? Did I completely misjudge the scenario? Was there something I said that completely fucked everything up? As I agonized over these questions and headed into the bathroom to take a shower, I heard my phone start to ring. Elizabeth’s name showed up on my caller ID which was extremely confusing to me. I was barely able to mutter “hello” before I heard her frantically asking me to come next door. Apparently there was a huge spider in her shower which was completely freaking her out. She asked me if I could come over & kill it for her.

The Time Me {24 at the time} and my Boss {35 at the time} [MF] had some fun on our work trip. (Part I)

I randomly received a text from a previous boss the other day, and invariably this is where my mind wandered to pretty quickly. A few years after I graduated college I ended up working at a medical education firm. It was a pretty typical job, required some late nights and a little bit of travel for conferences.

(Little background info which you can skip if you want)

Elizabeth (not her real name) was not my first manager at this company. I was on another team initially and ended up getting switched over to hers after a few months. The first time we interacted in any detail was at the company Halloween party. Our conversation started off innocent but gradually became more flirtatious and interesting as the night progressed.

The more we drank, the more we danced and the more “handsy” we got with each other. I was dressed as a Spartan soldier from the movie 300 and Elizabeth was wearing a referree costume – which was sexy but not over the top. We danced a lot that night and I certainly did not mind the way her hands explored along the edges of my costume and her fingernails grazed along my chest.