How I like to fuck [FF]

Readers of the previous stories that I have posted here will know that I am into the ladies! Specifically, ever since my university days I have a long-standing romantic interest in dominant and physically powerful women.

Recently I was chatting with another bi female friend about this, and the subject of “how I like to fuck” arose. As a result we both spent some time in fruitful conversation discussing our various different kinks when it comes to sleeping with and seducing other women, both from back when we were in university and then afterwards. This ended up being a long and really interesting conversation and I thought my side of the chat would make a great topic for a /r/gonewildstories post.

I realise that I might sound faintly ridiculous that I am desscribing myself like some kind of ridiculous lesbian superhero looking to swoop in and save pretty butch girls from their totally unjustified and unwarranted sexual repression! However that description chimes many of my past sexual experiences amusingly enough.

As ever, I am actively seeking feedback on my work so please feel free to add a comment below or PM me.


Taming “The Beast” [FF]

This another one of my university sexual exploration and awakening stories. As usual directly relevant details to the participants have been changed to ensure their privacy! I really appreciate feedback and PMs about all my stories since I am looking to improve my writing.


I’ve always been fortunate in that I have had a lot of luck in the past seducing girls looking to take their first exploratory paddles in the wide open sea of lesbianism! Thankfully none of them ever turned around later after the event and angrily accused me of “turning them gay” or any other such nonsense since I am not sure how I would have coped with that.

One of my best conquests ever, there was this one girl. Again – six foot tall, masculine frame, massive thighs, smoking hot, my type of girl. She was a lovely girl honestly with a great personality!

Unfortunately for her though due to her robust and non-delicate non-traditionally feminine frame some childish mean guys at Uni had given the unfortunate nickname “Beast” basically because she was A) pretty timid but at the same time B) was absolutely massive and they thought that contradiction was really funny! I am sure you can imagine – in corridors “How are you today Beast?”. “How’s Beast doing?” etc etc! She played it cool obviously, but it was horrible for her and she really didn’t like it.

The Flat Party, Part 2 [FF]

The Flat Party, FF, Part 2


What follows is the second part of the tale of my first FF encounter. Names, and certain other personally identifying parts of the story have obviously been changed to protect the identity of the participants! For part one see here: [](


“Right Steph said, time for round two.” Kneeling, she eagerly grasped the waistband of my jeans and began slowly pulling them down.

I shifted slightly uncomfortably as she did this. Underneath my jeans my knickers were by now totally sodden, simply saturated with my own wetness. They were so wet and sticky in fact that Steph had to pracically peel them off my body, expertly rolling them down my legs before casually tossing them into the corner of the room. “We won’t be needing these!” she said.

The Flat Party, Part 1 [FF]

What follows is a description of my first FF encounter, which happened many years ago now. Names, and certain other personally identifying parts of the story have been changed to protect the identity of the participants.


I hesitated for a split-second outside the flat door. “What are you waiting for?” Lucy asked. Irritated, after a split-second delay. I proceeded to knock on the door.

My irritation was due to Lucy’s new-found mock bravado. The fact was that neither me or Lucy knew this group well. They lived in our hall of residence building and were having a flat party. We had received a leafletted invite earlier that day, stealthily slipped just under the door earlier inviting us to their flat party that evening. Although generous with their invites, we had debated earlier whether to go. Neither of use knew anyone in the flat, and the block gossip said they were cliquey! At the same time, I hadn’t made *that* many new friends since starting Uni one month previously. Also I had been working studiously all week, trying to make a good impression my first course assignments. I felt like I needed a break and I definitely wanted to let my hair down now after a very busy week. For all Lucy’s supposed bravado and confidence now, earlier she had been incredibly hesitent, and I had to practically drag her out of our flat.