Hideout (m/f/etc)

Hideout is a little like the B-52s song,, “Loveshack”. Its also a little like a club I once went to along Beyers Naude road, which wastn called that, then – called “Hideout”. It’s a business persons fantasy. It isn’t in the forect like the Loveshack the B-52’s sang about. No, its smack bang in the middle of the city. Hidden in plain view in the suburbs.

It’s a large thatch house, with a wild overgrown garden. Its on a cul-de-sac, in a quiet suburb just outside of Randburg. Its just of of one of the main routes that people use to get to work in Johannesburg and Sandton.

The founder liked to go to strip clubs and see beautiful women naked. He wanted to be able to have breakfast and coffee delivered to him by a beautiful topless woman in the morning and he imagined that other men, and women felt the same.

It was also the beginning of the time of “hybrid” working where people could do their work at home, or at the office. And that – you see – created a delightful opportunity where your wife or husband wasn’t quite sure where you were and assumed you were at work and then the work people assumed you were at home. And where you were was – at Hideout. Totally plausible don’t you think !

On display #2 (FMM)

A friend has come for a beer, with me, at your house in the estate.

You have always liked him and we are comfortable with him, even though it takes from our time alone.

In the distance there is a petrol mower and the distant smell of cut grass. Now and then a dog barks. Scenes from idyllic suburbia.

The music from the hifi is a little deep, a little dark, a little playful and mysterious and it oozes delectably like whipped cream from a can.

We were swimming before he came. I just have some shorts on and no shirt.

You are wearing the new suede bikini, the one with the curious bikini bottoms. And indeed, they have been rubbing you up most delightfully.

When he arrived, you scurried to the room to find a shirt. All you could quickly find was that thin white t-shirt and you quickly pulled it on to have a modicum of decency.

As you sit next to me, smoking a joint with us, the wetness from the suede starts to come through the shirt, outlining your beautiful breasts. Your hair is wet and tendrils of water trickle down your face, neck and body, making little pools on the floor. But you are high and you don’t care – “let them stare !”

On Display #1 (M/FF)

You sit beside a friend, on the leather couch at the side of your listening room.
It has been a magnificent evening out, dancing and laughing. The food has been exquisite and the wine
You are both beautiful in your evening dresses, but your cleavage is more magnificent, and your
happiness and radiance shines bright for me. You are the more beautiful by far and I reflect on my love
for you.
I have been sitting on the couch next to the door, and the three of us have been smoking some weed.
You hook your finger towards me and say softly “come here my lover”
I walk to you, and you kiss me softly, your mouth open, your tongue caressing mine. In front of her, as
you would kiss me when we are alone. Your fingernail finds the top of my cock through my pants and
you scrape along its length, tickling the head, where you know I like it.
You ask me softly, politely, to bring some drinks.
You tell me, with a little more force, to it slowly, to do it calmly and to do it naked.
I am gone a little while and I return nude, my cock long and thick, fully tumescent as I stand before you,
before her, and hand you the drinks.
You thank me by stroking my cock a little and then I return to the couch, naked, erect, wanting.

The Night Circus (M/F, MMM, etc)

The Night circus.

The Night Circus is similar to “Zady Zingaras” or to the “SNCTM” club. It’s a venue, theatre performance and restaurant, that is, if you manage to concentrate / have time to eat amongst all of the goings on.

It commences at midnight and not a second before. It ends at the first light of dawn. Should you be caught inside as the first fingers of sunlight penetrate the decadent darkness, you will be retained there and be a subject of the night circus until the next dawn. You will be considered part of the staff, part of the entertainment, until released.

The Night Circus operates on a rules inversion concept. That is, the rules are there to titillate and to excite, rather than to regulate and bore. The rules are the excitement engine.

Here are some of our rules, and before it gets boring, we’ll continue with an explanation of a typical evening, and then reveal some more rules and on and we go, until the first fingers of dawn.

Rule 1 – You can’t just attend, you must be invited. Someone must nominate you and someone unrelated must second the proposal. The nomination and secondment to be made to the Ringmistress in the appropriate format. See footnote 1

The second dinner party (M/F, F/F, MFF)

Dinner party #2

She is Brazilian, dark skinned with the classic Latino look. A little reminiscent of Sophia Vergara but not as voluptuous. Her breasts are firm and her nipples strain against the fabric of her top. Seeming never ready to subside. Her partner is plumper and blond and appears a lot less interesting, certainly less good looking. Sarcastic, intelligent and witty, but you can see me wince at some of her comments. The Brazilians name is Luciana, but we all call her Lucy, or sometimes Lucky.

It’s evening, the day has been dry and baking hot and the cool air is light and pleasant on our skins. The house makes gentle ticking and creaking sounds as it cools. Just audible above the gentle sounds of Emmylou Harris’ Red Dirt girl, gently oozing from the stereo like honey for the ears. Like sugar for the soul.

He is thin and lean, intelligent and hungry. He loves taking risks and is wealthy and a little arrogant. We’ll call him Eric. He is temporarily in town and he has his new woman at his side. She is a high powered executive, thin, a brunette. She’s pretty flat chested, but good enough looking all the same. She basks in his attention and hangs on his words. They hold each others hands, or put a hand on each others legs all the time. In contact with each other all the time like the new lovers that they are.

Red and the Wolf’s bet

Foreword…The relation to real people through story characters in this piece is entirely purposeful and is intended to leave the reader with an overwhelming feeling of titillation and excitement. The story is best read after a nice joint. The wearing of lingerie while reading is encouraged as is light or full nudity. A glass of wine balances the device used for reading nicely. My serving suggestion is to accompany the piece with a nice warm jar of lube.

They had made a bet, or rather, the Wolf had pressed Red into an agreement that had now played out fully. If he would attend yoga with her for a year (yes, a whole year) and do his very best at learning and at honouring it and doing it right, then she would learn to ride and buy a bike.

The yoga had been hard, and he had done his best, at first he had been a little unstable and inflexible but now he was actually improving and was even passable. She had made the yoga hard, choosing a tough Iyengar teacher who was a perfectionist task master. At times he thought he would snap in two and there was a morning where he couldn’t get out of bed, but the worst was through now.