Lynn’s Dungeon Adventure- Roleplayer is shown how sexy the dungeon can become with horny monsters. Part 3

Athylla feels the world fading away as she spurts out yet again the thief saying, “There you go. Spurted three times and it is game over.” Athylla’s eyes cross as she starts turning to dust and then she is floating above the body that is turning to dust as the thief spurts one last time mixing with the dust causing it to turn into a muddy mess. Then she was sparkles and she saw everything in the universe and cosmos. Her head spins and she feels herself becoming solid again and she in on her hands and knees her breasts swaying as she gasped in the air again. She had reformed. She looked down at her purple strapon as it wasn’t sticking up or spurting cum. She slowly looks around and sees she is back in the first hallway by the door. Athylla looks over at the side passageway and remembers the goblin matron and shakes her head not wanting to test the warning she was given. She also didn’t want to test the thief again so she looks at the door. She pulls out some cloth covering her hands she pulls out her lockpicks and starts working on the lock. It doesn’t take her long to pick the lock and open the door. She carefully uses the handle so she doesn’t get the poison on her hands again and starts down the hallway.

Lynn’s Dungeon Adventure- Roleplayer is shown how sexy the dungeon can become with horny monsters. Part 2

Athylla soon finds the bedroll and pack that belonged to the orc. She finds a green potion that she realizes is a potion of lust reduction and pockets it. Then she takes the dilknife and puts it in a sheath on her leg. The small plug she slips into her pack wondering what use it might have. She takes a last look around the cave and then heads out the down the passageway in the far wall dilsword in one hand and a torch in the other. She continues down the passageway and then it open up into another cave with a small pond in the middle of it. The torch doesn’t light all the way to the walls as she starts into the room. She sees a small pack next to a bedroll next to the pond. She walks over and starts to bend over and look in the pack but then realizes that there wouldn’t be a pack here without an owner. As she starts to turn she sees something come over her head from behind. As she tries to understand what it is the person behind her yanks it back seating the gag firmly in her mouth. Athylla drops the torch and starts to claw at the ball gag that is forcing her mouth open as she feels the strap pulled into the buckle behind her head and locking in place. Her eyes wild as she spins around already feel like she is having trouble breathing. The female thief is in a leather bikini that is set off with her blue harness and seven inch violet strapon that is bobbing slightly as she draws her two dildaggers. Athylla reaches behind her head trying to get to the buckle while watching the smaller woman. She says, “Oh honey it isn’t coming off until after the fight is over. It is part of its magic that and it will make you pant not letting you draw a deep breath until we are done.” While panting a bit already it wasn’t a problem yet but Athylla knew once she started to get aroused it would make the lust soar that much faster. Athylla stepped forward with a long slash across at the woman’s breasts. With a deft step she parries the blow wide with first one dildagger and then the other and then stepping in close swings in a counterattack. While it failed to hit Athylla’s breasts it caught her pack and pulls it open scattering the contents over the floor. Athylla turns swinging again high and the nimble thief ducks the shot and thrusts a dildagger at Athylla’s pussy. Athylla twists and the dildagger instead hits the base of her strapon. Athylla moans as she steps back batting the follow up attack away with her dilsword. Seeing the plug laying on the ground the thief picks it up as she advances on the retreating Athylla. Athylla feels the pleasure rising as she pants around the ball gag. She watches the thief pick up the plug as she says, “Oh I think we are going to stuff another of your holes with this. I bet you enjoy that don’t you?” Athylla having regained a bit of composure advances thrusting her dilsword for the thief’s mouth hoping to silence her with it. The thief sidesteps and then pulls on her arm pulling her forward and off balance. Athylla feels the dildagger thrust into her left breast right on the nipple and she feels her knees buckle slightly from the shock of pleasure. The thief jumps on Athylla’s back and Athylla falls face down to the ground. She manages to stay on her hands and knees panting like a dog on all fours as the thief is on her back legs wrapped around her stomach facing her ass. Athylla feels the legs squeezing as she tries to get enough air her pleasure almost overwhelming her. Then her ass feels the cool air of the dungeon and Athylla’s fogged mind tries to understand what is happening when she feels the plug pushed into her asshole with one hard push. The lust and pleasure is a mounting wave threatening to swamp her as she pants. Her strapon bobbing like a ship in a storm. She moans breasts heaving feeling so full from the plug now firmly seated in her ass.

Lynn’s Dungeon Adventure- Roleplayer is shown how sexy the dungeon can become with horny monsters.

*This story is a bit different than others I have posted as it is based on a roleplay, I did a while ago that I really enjoyed. It is long so I am going to break it into several parts and post them over the next few days. Lynn and her character Athylla are in over their heads and will pay with their bodies as they learn about how the dungeon works and how the monsters of the dungeon will take advantage of them. I hope you enjoy it.*

Lynn looked around the converted basement as she came through the door. Nicole, no she had to think of her as the Dungeon Mistress walked over with a smile. Her black leather outfit showing off her figure nicely. Dungeon Mistress asks, “So you understand about the game.” Lynn looks down at the miniatures as she took out the one she had painted for use in the dungeon. She nods and says, “Yes, I read all of the rules.”

BFF with Benefits

Nicole was nervous. She had been wanting to make her friendship with Linda more intimate for months now but wasn’t sure if Linda was open to that type of relationship. They hung out regularly and sometimes had a drink or two and talked about just about everything. Last week when they were hanging out Linda had caught Nicole staring at Linda’s tits. Nicole was sure she had, but she didn’t get mad or offended and Nicole could have sworn Linda’s nipples got hard afterwards. She had been too scared at the time to do anything about it, but had been wishing all week that she had.

Now it was Friday night and they were going to hang out together again. Nicole’s plan was simple. Have a few drinks and make her move, but in such a way that if it didn’t work out it wouldn’t torpedo their friendship.

A surprising day

.This is a continuation of the story, A Special Lunch I posted earlier.

A Surprising Day

*This is a continuation from A special lunch as Jenny continues through the rest of her day. It starts once she gets back home.*

Jenny got home and reflected on what Rachael and Paul had done to her. When Rachael told her that they worked together to tease her Jenny had stormed out of the restaurant. She would never have agreed to wearing the vibrator if she had known. While she was upset she also found she was aroused at the same time. Her panties were moist with her juices and her nipples were still hard. As she thought about it she found that while it wasn’t something she would have done she did enjoy it. She had to admit to herself that the orgasm was good and heightened by Rachael’s revelation.

Jenny’s phone chimed and she saw it was from Paul, “Are you mad?”

“Yes.” she replied. Then after a moment typed, “but not as mad as I was. It was exciting too. Did she really suggest it to you?”

A special lunch

This is a story I wrote a while ago. I hope you like it

Jenny was excited and nervous about playing with her new toy. Paul was traveling again and had gotten her a remote-controlled vibrator. He said that way he could play with her even when he was out of town. He told her to put it in right after her shower this morning. He wouldn’t be able to skype with her until tonight, but promised he would play with her throughout the day.

She slowly slid the egg-shaped vibrator into her pussy and then back out a few times. Not nearly as satisfying as Paul’s cock, but it still felt good. Her cell phone beeped telling Jenny she had a text. She pulled on her panties holding the vibrator in place as she went to the bedroom to get her phone.

Two females teasing each other trying to make the other cum while watched by their master

Denial Game

Jessica and Debbie sat on the floor in the living room waiting for Doug to come out. Since the two of them had pledged themselves to Doug and moved in with him he had taught them much. He was fair and made their submission sexy and thrilling. He had told them last night that the two of them would compete in a game today. He hadn’t said anything else about it except that one of them would get to cum today after he sent them both to bed denied last night.

This morning at breakfast he wouldn’t tell them any more except that after eating they were to change into a sexy bra and panties and wait in the living room for him. The living room is where they did most of their playing, so it made sense. That had been an hour ago and they were both getting more excited waiting. Doug walked out and asked them both to kneel. They both quickly got to their knees not wanting to disappoint him.

Public Vibrator teasing [M/F]

She Should have known better

Jill and Pete had been dating for almost a year now. Because of this, she looked forward to their weekly date nights and the fantastic sex that would end the night. Pete had awoken her wild side and helped her become more adventurous. He had asked that she wear the blue dress telling her how it highlighted her beautiful eyes. He always made her feel special complimenting her and knowing just what she needed. It wasn’t just a line but how he really felt, and it made her want to make him just as happy.

She arrived at the restaurant and Pete was there already. He kissed her deeply and said, “That dress looks fantastic on you. Even better than I remembered.”

“Thank you.”

After a couple minutes the hostess took them back to their corner booth in the back of the restaurant. Jill noticed it wasn’t very well lit and was curious when the hostess said, “Here you are the booth you requested sir.”

Jill looked at him quizzically and he smiled at her. They slid in on the left side of the booth together as the hostess set down their menus. She told them the waitress would be with them momentarily and left. Pete kissed Jill and asked, “How was your day?”