Found out my wife doesn’t count blow jobs [MF]

The wife and I got married at around 26 and I was the first person she had sex with. We’ve been married for 14 years. She said I was her first make-out session, her first sex, the first person to eat her out, but she had seen penises before because she’s a nurse (nursing home). No big deal.

She was mad at me the other day and said something along the lines of I don’t want to have sex but I’ll still give you blowjobs while I’m mad at you. First time we had really gotten into a fight, or she refused sex so I was really weirded out that she was still ok with blowjobs. So I asked why. She told me blowjobs don’t count.

It was immediately time to start digging into what this meant to her, because in our 14 years I had never heard this sentiment. So I asked what her first blowjob was. It wasn’t me.