A weekend with the [F] girl from work [M]

I had been working at a company for a few years after college, it was actually pretty boring and I had to move to a location that I did not want to be in. As a result I never really had anything serious but was always on the lookout.

Kelly was a new employee who started and was a few years younger than me, she was very petite and very flirty but with a boyfriend. Honestly I never gave her much thought but looking back she clearly liked me.

Anyway, one day we are chatting over lunch, or more accurately, she is bugging me while I am trying to work and she mentions that her bf dumped her and she needs someone to take her out to let some steam off. I offer to have a drink with her after work, not really sure where this was going but still only half interested.

Later that day she asks if she should bring something to swim in, as I had mentioned that my complex had an indoor pool, at this point I am pretty sure where things are headed, so I tell her she absolutely should. After work she texts me that she doesn’t really want to have a
drink but still wants to have a swim, so I text her my address and she tells me she is on her way.