Buttholes aren’t sexual [MF]

Long story, but that’s obvious. If you want some build up, this may be for you. Both Sadie and I are 21 at the time this happened.


After freshman year of college, I didn’t have many long term relationships. There were girls that I would hook up with, and contrary to the cliche, I would want a relationship, but for various reasons they just wanted late night booty calls.

Throughout sophomore and junior year, I kept myself in shape and studied a lot. I stopped pursing anything romantic with anyone. During junior year, my roommate and I made friends with some the girls on the other end of co-ed floor through some mutual acquaintances. When I met Sadie it was instant best-friendship.

Sadie was very attractive, but she wasn’t what I considered ‘my type’ at that point in time. While I generally pursued tall willowy brunettes, Sadie was short and blonde with big breasts and a round muscular ass. I could tell she was hot, but almost abstractly. It didn’t seem like she was the type for me. She was fiercely intellectual without being pedantic, brilliant, and literate and we had an instant rapport. I was also of the mind that romantic relationships weren’t going to happen right now. I wasn’t resigned, I was just focused on school work and getting into a good grad school. So our friendship was able to form without a fog of sexual tension.

Halloween Mini Orgy [Group] Much Delayed Sequel

Original story from my previous account https://redd.it/2qoq3a

Read it first.

Delayed because it is difficult to write about awkward things. Of course dialogue is approximate, but it makes for better reading.

The Saturday morning after our Halloween party was like most mornings at the beach house. Everyone woke up and tried to get out of cleaning the place. Dan’s family owned and often rented it to other people. The house had to be clean by the time we left. Hangovers were common, so the mood during cleaning tended to be pretty bad.

My girlfriend, Ariana, was great at cleaning and organizing, so she generally took charge. Dan generally had the poorest work ethic and biggest hangover. He also felt entitled not to clean since he provided the venue.

People left pretty quickly. There was some event that people wanted to go to that night back at school. By mid afternoon, the sun was going down and there was a lot of laundry (sheets and towels) and dishes left to do. Dan, his girlfriend Kim, my girlfriend Ariana, everyone’s friend Heather, and I were left.