I took a man to my apartment and he fucked my brain out! [FM]

This happened a few years back, before the pandemic. I was out at a bar near my place, and a couple of friends were supposed to meet me there. (I later found out that they’d eaten some bad shrimp and had horrible food poisoning. One of them had to go to the ER for IV fluids.) I was sitting there, getting impatient with them for being late, and drinking faster than I should. I was three beers in, and feeling it, when someone bumped into me.

I turned, and it was a guy with a sheepish expression on his face. He apologized, and explained that he’d tripped on his shoelace. (He held his foot up, so I could see that it was actually untied and dangling.) He offered to buy me a drink to make it up to me. I figured, “why not?” and told him what beer I was drinking.

I could tell he wanted to start up a convo, but he was shy. I looked at his face, and you could see him going over conversational gambits in his mind, and rejecting them, one after the other. I like shy, awkward guys, so I decided to put him out of his misery. “You know I was 9 years old before I learned to tie my shoes?” I said.

There is nothing like an unexpected morning fuck!! [FM]

I was in Hartford on a weekend date and had arranged to meet another friend the morning after. But that fell through so I was out for coffee before checking out of the motel. I had an hour-and-a-half drive home unless I ended up making stops along the way. I noticed this guy looking at me. I wondered if he knew me from somewhere or someone had told him about me. He looked to be in his late 30s, really fit, confident, and def bigger than me – which I like. . So, I smiled at him. He came over and asked to join me.and i said sure. He said tha he was Matt, so I told him that I’m Kelsey. He didn’t act like he knew of me, so I figured this was just a pick-up. At first the conversation was just normal stuff like why I was there, what he did – that sort of stuff – peppered with compliments.

Then he asked, “What are your plans this morning?”

“Just headed home,” I repled. My hand was on the table and he took my hand and I wrapped my fingers aroundhis hand.