While Mom’s Away [Stepdad/Daughter, Incest, Age Gap] Part One

Every year, during the winter, the Bridges family rented out a cabin nestled deep in the Appalachians when the biggest snowstorm was about to hit, to intentionally get snowed in and peacefully enjoy the scenery bundled up by a cracking fireplace. This was a tradition long held in the family, and it only ever was skipped on the years that no blizzards came, which was rare for upstate New York.

Tensions between the family had risen in the past few years, when Alana’s mom had cheated on her dad, and the two had a vicious divorce in her final year of high school. Though it had been well over a year since, the family always felt divided, and a large part of the young woman resented her mother for what she’d done; for how she’d ripped apart their family so easily, just for some quick pleasure.

So then, when their annual cabin trip arrived, Alana was less than eager to participate. Especially because this year nothing was the same. Instead of her dad joining them, it was going to be her dad’s new replacement — mom’s new boyfriend, Nick.

Bus Ride [Age gap, cheating, public]

It was just another monotonous day, and Michael and his wife were up to go grocery shopping. Living in the city meant it wasn’t always so practical to take a car, so today the two were using public transportation.

A crowd of people filed onto the bus at the next stop, but one of them immediately caught Michael’s eye. He stood up a bit straighter, feeling tense as he tried to sneak his stare at the girl with his wife sitting beside him. She was a young, pretty little thing. Dressed like she might as well have not put any clothes on that day.

That was the thing about this new generation. They loved to be damn near naked in public it seemed. Something that he would outwardly object to, but secretly he loved that he could see young tight bodies regularly. Some of them were impossibly attractive anymore. He’d never seen such intensely sexy women when he was their age. Hell, the influx of toned thick girls was such a new occurrence that he hadn’t even noticed them before the last five years. And now they were everywhere, and he stole glances where he could.

Professionals [Boss/Employee, Age Gap, Anticipation] Part 2

Silence hung in the air like the humidity that dries up sinuses and makes people choke. Andrei had breathed those words into existence, giving her his green light, and right there before Rose was exactly what she’d wanted for the past day truly. She’d wanted it from the moment he had walked into the building.

The young woman had heard of him before today, of course. How could she not, in a building like this? Everyone around her was constantly scampering around, trying to stay off his radar while they set things ablaze. His name was in news headlines that she never bothered to click on. She had had to fake admiration for the man during her interview to get this job. But she was barely an adult still. A career was more of a necessity than a passion, and she worked at WireCore without the faintest clue of what the Big Man looked like, just clocking in and spreading faux smiles to collect a paycheck.

Professionals [Boss/Employee, Age Gap, Anticipation] – Part One

An Audit – Chapter One

(Reposted for proper tagging)
Author formerly known as OtherAioli. Wrote the series Satiated on here awhile ago. Took a break from writing erotic lit a few months ago and now I’m back and intend to stay :) expect regular updates and LGBTQA, bdsm and more kink inclusion in new stories

Just here for the sex? Skip to the ****!

It was on days like these that Andrei fantasized about a life in which he worked as a cog in the machine and lived modestly, scraping by but maybe more content. At the very least, with less obligation. Maybe as a cashier, or a bartender.

Instead, the man was sitting first class on a flight to Maine in a four thousand dollar suit, sifting through flag-raised audit reports on his laptop. He had a life that most people dreamed of, and that most people strived for but never obtained. In his case, truly, he’d just gotten lucky. He’d had the right idea at the right time, and from there his own wildest dreams had come true. Ten years prior, he was eating from a can of beans he’d gotten from the food bank. Today, he was eating some hundred dollar steak and listening to his assistant rattle off his schedule to him for the next month.

Professionalisms [Anticipation/Age Gap/Workplace/Secretive] (writer formerly OtherAioli) – Chapter One

An Audit – Chapter One

Preview: CEO Andrei Volkov, of boomingly successful WireCore, an advanced tech company with hands in many pockets, pays one of his logistics sites in rural Maine a visit to address safety and security concerns. While there, he interviews employee Rose Buchanan, who leaves quite an impression on the boss and challenges his ability to stay professional.

Author formerly known as OtherAioli. Took a break from writing erotic lit a few months ago and now I’m back and intend to stay :) expect regular updates and LGBTQA, bdsm and more kink inclusion in new stories

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Just here for the sex? Skip to the ****!

It was on days like these that Andrei fantasized about a life in which he worked as a cog in the machine and lived modestly, scraping by but maybe more content. At the very least, with less obligation. Maybe as a cashier, or a bartender.