RE:2 Redfield’s True Route – Chapter 0 [The Gas Station]

Chapter 0

The Gas Station

*SPOILER WARNING FOR RESIDENT EVIL 2 REMAKE… really… its 2020 and I am warning people about spoilers for a 2019 game… wtf… why am I even warning you… Just read it or play the goddamn game*

The sky is void of light and the clouds up above weep gently. The streets are quite and null of any noise besides the drops of rain smacking against the ground. Off in the distance, the roar of a motor closes in. A Motorcycle bolts across the glossy road and breaks apart the coating of water like glass. There on the bike, a 19 year old girl with a red leather jacket rides across the lone street lamps leading to the city where her brother works at. Shards of glass shatter against her helmet and goggles as she speeds down the road. At the edge of her field of view, a MIZOIL gas station sign glows through the starless night. She begins to slow down as she approaches it and notices a sign with the words “WELCOME TO RACCOON CITY” with the Umbrella logo plastered at the bottom of it. She turns right into the gas station and sees a pay phone booth. She remembered she needed to call parents to let them know she made it to Raccoon city safely as they easily get worried for their precious daughter.

The Adventures of Seria: The Goddess of Time [Chapter 1 – Clothes?]

The Adventures of Seria: The ~~Goddess~~ Slut of Time


This story has fantasy elements.

**This chapter has some forced elements in it.**

Proceed with caution.


Chapter 1 – Clothes?

The doorbell chimes and the Receptionist looks forward to see a young naked girl that looks like she is in her early twenties maybe even younger. She isn’t tall but her figure is slender and has perfect proportions. Her almost white golden hair flows down to her knees and her piercing bright golden eyes looks over to the now in awe receptionist. She snaps her fingers in front of the receptionist’s face in order to regain his attention to her need and not her body.

“Hey you!” Seria addresses the receptionist with an authoritarian tone. “I want you to give me some clothes.” She says as she points her finger at the lone receptionist.

“I’m sorry ma’am but this is an inn, we do not sell-” The Receptionist struggles to keep his eyes on Seria’s face and can’t help but wander his eyes downwards.