My latest novel: Ancient Chinese Tales…

For those who are interested in deeply researched findings about sexual practices in China in the Middle Ages, please check out my latest historical novel: “Ancient Tales of China” //

Categorized as Erotica


Author’s note: I wrote this story in 2008, during the presidential campaign between the late John MCain and President Barck Obama. And we thought those were heady days! :-)



Let me begin by saying that this is the very first time that I find myself writing something like this. I am usually a man who doesn’t say much, let alone a man who writes anything up. But I find myself compelled to make an exception. I am making an exception because I feel that it is my duty to share what I have learned with others and that by sharing what I have learned, I will be both enabling a great deal of bottled up joy to be released as well as contributing, if only just a little bit, to the promotion of peace and harmony between the races.
So here goes. My wife and I have been involved in a swinging relationship with four Chinese couples for the past handful of years and the experience has been so fulfilling and so meaningful that I would be remiss if I didn’t share some details about it with the world. I intend to do this in this note and in future notes, and I will try my best to provide you with information that I hope will be useful. As you will note, I try to provide guidance that is actionable and that will enable others not only to enjoy reading about our adventures, but will enable them to start their own adventures.
To start with, all of the couples that we are involved in are in their mid fifties and older, with the oldest couple in their mid and late sixtes: the lady is sixty four and the man is sixty eight. Secondly, you may ask (and I know you are asking): why only Chinese and not other ethnicities? That is in fact a very good question, but the answer is this: simply that we have developed a taste for the Chinese (every time I see someone from China, I have, I am not shy to say, a very strong erection, whether they are male or female) – and in fact, Mainland Chinese for that matter. But if I were to provide an explanation, I would say that we like Chinese couples because of the fascinating psychological dynamics between older Chinese men and women and Caucasians. For instance, older Chinese men, we have discovered, are very aroused by the very notion that a Caucasian male finds their female attractive. The men are also very aroused by Caucasian females. They are extremely intimidated by them and would never approach them on their own, so that finding themselves with easy access to a Caucasian female who is friendly and respectful towards them almost numbs them with joy and even giddiness.
Also, I must add (because it is important), for some reason, older Chinese men don’t find it offensive if a Caucasian male touches them sexually. Why? I have no idea, but I can tell you that they not only find it not offensive, they find it amusing and often they laugh when a male touches them affectionately (that is why, for instance, whenever I move to kiss a Chinese male, they start laughing and sticking out their tongue playfully, which then enables me to suck their tongue, which in turn amuses them even more). These are all the dynamics, among others, that work very reliably with Chinese couples. (The dynamics may be – and in fact are – different with other Asians: Koreans, Vietnamese, etc. And it’s probably different even for Taiwanese, who have internalized some Western values and sensitivities and are therefore not as interesting . What we have become experts on are married Mainland Chinese couples who live in the United States).
So, just to be sure that I not misleading anyone, it’s a specific set of people that I am discussing here, although there is a very large number of them out there (there are Chinese couples everywhere you turn) and you should be able to befriend many in your very area. I’m pretty sure that if you looked, you would find some in your neighborhood in fact.
Now, when you spot an older Chinese man or woman, just walk by their house when one of them is around and be friendly with them and work your way to chatting with them. After that, just build up your friendship patiently and step by step. Older Chinese couples, especially when their children have left, are very easy to make friends with and it’s amazing how easy it is to enter in a swinger relationship with them.
After about 3 months or so of friendship building, invite them to your home for dinner and treat them well. Chinese like to be respected and treated nicely. (Respect is very important to them, and you can go a long way by being meticulously respectful ad courteous to them). Gradually – and I mean very gradually – begin to introduce sexual innuendos and allusions in your conversations, all couched in innocent, simple humor. You want to get to a point where you can comfortably share with them some of your sexual preferences and tastes, and they in turn theirs, without arousing any suspicions about your ultimate intentions. (This is harder that it may seem. For me, since I have an erection as soon as I see an older Chinese person, I have taken to ensuring that my penis is well tucked in so that the erection doesn’t show.)
At some point (and you will know when that point comes) make a clear-cut sexual compliment about the wife and lustfully stare at one of her parts (her breasts, buttocks or legs) and then laugh out loud and in a friendly manner. When you get to this stage, make sure that you have positioned your penis so that your erection will show, and that you look at your erection and at the lady’s parts back and forth. Make sure that you don’t make eye contact with the lady as you do that. Instead, make sure that her husband catches you doing this and momentarily make eye contact with him as you do this. Don’t laugh or say anything as you do this. All of this must (this is crucial) remain unspoken. The message you are communicating is that the animal in you has been aroused and that you are not able to control that animal.
This one move will get you close to the next level. Repeat this regularly, escalating each time, until you get to the point where you are able to express your desire to take the lady to bed and to enjoy her body in front of her husband and your wife. If you do this gradually (over a couple of more months), you will get there. Once you have been able to cross that point, the rest is easy.
The couples that my wife and I are engaged with are all dear friends of ours who are there to help and support (and us to them) as well as full emotional and sexual partners. We work hard on both sides to ensure that there is a romantic element with the core sentiment being desirability: we desire them and they desire us. So, leering at each other and openly expressing verbally and beyond how fond we are of them, their bodies, etc.
In terms of what we do in the bedroom, we engage our couples one couple at a time.
The fact that we are four of us opens up limitless possibilities to what we can do together that don’t exist otherwise: straight husband and wife copulations, with the pleasure of watching the other couple have sex while you have sex with your spouse; double penetrations of a husband of the wives, wife stacking and the husbands taking turns, the husband doing 69 and penetrating each other, and so on. A great deal of fun indeed.
Usually, we start such sessions after dinner at 7:30 pm and go on through the night and past midnight, with breaks in between to refresh.
With the couples that we have, we are able to have sex every week, usually Fridays and Saturdays. Nothing kinky with any of the couples at all: simply sex. With two of them, the men have homosexual sex, including penetration. There are times when a husband comes by himself to our house for sex, and sometimes asks to have sex just with me (the husband), and I am fine with at. One of the two men like to be the lady while the other one like to be the man, although in both cases, I make sure that regardless, I go get a turn on their ass. Both men do like to be penetrated and for some reason, when they are being penetrated, they both laugh out loud and make constant eye contact with me, hungrily watching the expression on my face. And the more pleasure I show on my face, the more uproarious their laughter is. They find it funny that a white man is being pleasured by penetrating in their ass. It is really an experience!
Regarding the ladies, they are not submissive at all, contrary to commonly help opinion. On the contrary, they are very much engaged. One thing that all of the couples that we have engaged have in common is that the ladies are very health conscious. They see the sexual engagement from the perspective of health: it helps them with maintaining a youthful “Chi” as they put it and given that these sexual sessions are usually several hours long and there is a lot of sweating, they see it as part physical exercise. They are very affectionate, but they also have a bit of bossiness about them. Like their husbands, they laugh quite a bit and use laughter to mitigate against embarrassment (for instance, farting, ejaculation, etc.). The ladies do not hesitate to engage in sex with my wife. They don’t even seem to see it as sex, but rather as affection and play. They certainly have much less of a Caucasian complex and are amused that Caucasian men like them and more amused and laugh when they watch their husband in coitus with my wife. As you can tell, there is a great deal of playfulness during our sessions. And remarkably (I think this is a reflection of the fact that there is something called a mainland Chinese culture), there is little variation from sone session to the next between the couples, which simplifies things. I hope that is helpful.
Regarding the size of the men’s penis: it is not true at all that they have smaller sizes. Their sizes are about the same as what you expect with Caucasians. One man, Charles, in fact, has a larger than average penis (about 7 inches long) and rather thicker. My theory is that men from the northern provinces, who tend to be larger and bulkier, have larger penises. But that is a theory and pure speculation. But no, it’s a myth that Chinese men have smaller parts…
Going back to the ladies, three are petite and one is taller and larger than what you may expect. They all have breasts that are on the smaller size and they all have rather hairy vaginas. None of them shaves. In terms of sex with my wife, there is a great deal of kissing. They do not seem to like licking, but they do like being licked. Licking them in the anus amuses them a lot and my wife indulges them. They are also very keen on masturbation. As soon as we begin our sessions, they are constantly rubbing their vagina, even as they are talking to you, etc., walking around, etc. As soon as they get naked, they commence with rubbing their vagina and they all do it in the same way, as if they had been trained in the same school. It is curious. What is also worth noting is that once we are in a sex session, they are loud in their voice and very comfortable with their bodily functions – for instance, they will fart, go to the bathroom without closing the door, etc. Another thing that they have in common, which I found interesting, is that before they mount a penis, they loudly and energetically spit on it, almost mechanically, and then rub their spit around it, thus lubricating it. The first time one of the ladies did that to me, it startled me, but I very quickly got used to it. And when they mount you and are facing you, they stare at you in the eyes consistently and rather seriously. That’s another interesting thing and it’s as though they had been trained to do that.
Regarding the large lady (I know you are wondering about her): she is not Amazon size, but almost 6 foot tall and has large calves and thick wrists. She is very nice and smiles a lot and is gentle. Of course, like all women, they like their breasts to be caressed and kissed. One thing that I do that catches them (and their husbands) off guard is smelling and licking their arm pits. They all laugh the first time I do it, but then ask to be smelled and licked in the arm pit after that as a matter of course.
Let me stop for now.
In the next part, I will give you some advice on places you can go to easily find Chinese couples and will share some handy tips on how to engage with them And, again – just to make sure that no one misunderstands my intentions – I am sharing all this because I believe that I have something special to say and that the secret to a fulfilled life is being very close to as many people as possible, especially people that you can learn a great deal from. And sexually engaging with married Chinese couples in their fifties and sixties is a sure way for you to learn a lot not only about life, but about your most inner self.


I know I shouldn’t be writing such drivel, the grandmother that I am. And worse, I know I shouldn’t be having such thoughts and behaving as I have been behaving lately. But I can’t help it. I look at men and I want to spread my legs for them. This is not behavior that is becoming of a 59 year old Chinese grandmother and a mother of two grown men, both successful and with their own families. It also is not becoming behavior for a wife of thirty-some years, whose husband is still in love with her and finds her attractive. Harry loves me and I love him back. But of late, I have had sudden intense urges to take men to my matrimonial bed and have coitus with them, and I don’t know what I can do to stop it.
Harry is well aware of my sudden strange surge in my sexual appetite and is a bit perplexed. We have always fantasized about having an orgy, but up to this point, they have only been fantasies. Now, I look at men with intense eyes of desire and my heart throbs with deep craving to smell their balls and slide their penis inside my vagina. The urge is clearly biological, since my vagina gets very wet, my nipples harden, and my ears become very hot. At such moments, I lose all sense of fear and I stare at the men fixedly and even wink at them. Most of the time, nothing comes out of it and the man looks at me with a confused, blank stare, or has a look of alarm flash in his eyes. A few times, however, especially when the man is young, in his early twenties, my blunt overture gets a positive response and the man smiles back and sometimes even engages me in a conversation. At such times, if Harry is beside me, he would gently extricate me from the interaction, but there were a couple of times when I was by myself and I had to focus hard on getting away before it was too late and I had crossed the point of no return.
My Obgyn says that for about 12% of women going through menopause, such behavior is normal. A hormonal imbalance creates an intense, excessive and persistent craving for the woman to want to copulate, she assured me. In my case, I pointed out to my doctor, I have been out of menopause for years, so it is unlikely that the explanation is correct. But the doctor insists that it must be related to a hormonal imbalance and that I had nothing to worry about.
And so, I have been masturbating a lot. Harry has subscribed me to Playgirl Magazine, where pictures of handsome men with large, dangling penises grace the pages of the magazine. That and he has been buying me pornographic DVDs especially produced for women’s enjoyment. And, of course, we are having coitus more frequently than before, at least once a day, and several times over the weekend and holidays. Harry is doing all he can, to be sure, and seems to be enjoying the upsurge in our sexual life, but I can see that it is exhausting him a bit. And so, I have started collecting dildos and other toys, including a “Fuck machine” that I have been using several times a day, and that has helped. The machine is good and I must say very useful in ensuring that I have my three or four daily orgasms that seem to be necessary nowadays for me to function, but it is not a perfect substitute for a real man’s penis — that is for sure.
My girlfriends are as perplexed and intrigued as Harry. Their sexual appetite has waned dramatically the last few years, and none of them comes even near the level of sexual activity that Harry and I are able to sustain on a daily basis. They are also concerned that I may engage in sexual activity with their husbands and so are interacting with us less and less. The husbands on their part seem to be amused but a bit scared as well. They can see the constant hunger in my eyes (I am simply unable to hide it) and are turned on by it. But they are scared and don’t know what to do. (Several of my girlfriends tell me that the husbands are having more sex with them as a result and a couple of them mentioned that their husbands have taken to masturbating while talking about me and my appetite for men.)
Harry and I are taking things one day at a time. We are probably going to have to find a man and go through the experience of a threesome sooner or later, with the hope that the experience will get it out of our system. But as of now, it has been pornography, masturbation, daily coitus, and a lot of fantasizing.


I am interested in sexuality. Sexuality is important to me. Coitus is an activity that I make sure I engage in on a daily basis. Most often, I engage my husband for that purpose, but there are occasions when I engage some other men. My husband does not mind that. He is very understanding and supportive and I truly love him for that.
When I get horny for another man, I make it a point to tell my husband about my feelings. I sit down with him and we talk. He is a great listener and lets me speak my mind freely. When I am gripped by a bout of horniness, my language becomes dirty and my voice becomes raspy, as if possessed by a demon. I talked to my doctor about it and she told me that it was due to a hormonal rush that affects my inhibitions and my vocal chords. The first time I was overwhelmed by horniness, my husband was shocked. He was speechless hearing me use dirty words like “fuck,” “cunt,” and “cock,” and even got a bit scared by how my nostrils flared and my eyes shot up in red. When I started violently slapping my pussy and spitting on my breasts, he got alarmed. This was not something becoming of a respectable sixty one year old Chinese woman, the mother of two grown men, and the grandmother of three little angels. But the lack of decorum was not what really concerned him: it was the sudden change in me and the fact that it did not seem to be transient.
But has gotten use to it now and sees it as a curious development that needs to be soberly confronted head on and managed carefully and patiently.
Since I started engaging in extramarital fornication, I have made sure that my husband was in charge of managing the logistics of my coitus sessions with other men. He is the one who has built me my stable of men and he is the one in charge of scheduling my sessions. The logistics are far more complex than one would think. The men have lives and families and obligations that often militate against their willingness and desire to help us with our special needs. All of the men that he has found for me, without exception, are caring, considerate and very generous. Initially, they engaged us in a fit of lust and curiosity, but after the first couple of sessions, they all come back almost out of a sense of duty: they feel obligated to help out and feel a sense of honor in keeping their word to help us whenever we call on them.
As I said, most of the men are married and with children. As a matter of principle, I have made sure that I knew the names of the wives of each one of my men, and I always make it a point to ask the men about their spouses before we begin intercourse. Most of the men were initially uncomfortable discussing their wives and asked me to drop the practice. But I insisted and patiently explained to them why we needed to it. And in the end, they have all agreed that it was the right and moral thing to do.
Another practice that almost all of the men objected to initially was Harry’s insistence that before every coitus session, Harry was to be allowed to engage the men in sexual intercourse — mainly, Harry penetrating the man in his anus, to the point where Harry was on the verge of ejaculation. Harry explained this need on two grounds: first, the only way that he was going to countenance a man penetrating his wife was if he saw the man as at least partly a homosexual, and second, by having gotten himself to the verge of ejaculation, Harry would be in a far more elevated state of lust to oversee the coitus session.
The sessions usually lasted no more than 15 to 20 minutes. Harry usually watched us from the side lines, naked and massaging his penis, once in a while slapping it or slamming it against his thigh, while carefully watching move and encouraging us to focus and have fun. He frequently whispered helpful and timely tips to me and the man. “Lick his nipple,” he would suggest to me, or “open your mouth, Pat,” followed by, “Spit in her mouth, it’s important for her to taste your insides….” At times he would help out by holding up my legs so that the man would be able to position himself firmly and comfortably (Harry saw his role as making sure we were comfortable), or he would provide lubrication when he felt that I needed it, or even provide water if he saw that the man was dehydrating (usually accompanied with him wiping sweat off the man with a towel). Once in a while, if gripped by a strong surge of lust, he would ask the man to take out his penis from my vagina so that he could suck it, swallowing whatever vaginal cream was on it, and slurping whatever cream was still on my vagina. In such sessions, when Harry was exceptionally aroused, he would also usually ask the man to penetrate him anally. Of course, this meant that the rest of the coitus between the man and myself had to be anal as well, given that sliding a cock that had penetrated an ass into a vagina is an absolute no-no (vaginal infection would be the sure consequence).
Towards the end, as the coitus is nearing the climax, Harry’s focus would turn to synchronizing his ejaculation with the man’s. He would watch the man’s face carefully and would adjust his masturbation rhythm accordingly. The man would usually tip off Harry on how long he had left and at some point they would start counting down together from ten to zero, at which point, the man would take out his penis out of whatever hole he was penetrating and would move towards my face. Harry would do the same, thus resulting in a double ejaculation on my face. Most of the time, the semen is ejected directly on my forehead and hair, but during the sessions when Harry is possessed, he would order me to open my lips wide and he and the men would make sure to aim the eye of their penis to the center of my wide open mouth. The aim, being of course, to ejaculate the semen into my throat so that I could swallow it without wasting any of the liquid.
Once the session is over, Harry would usually quickly wash up and go to the kitchen to cook us an after-sex snack, which usually consisted in an eggs-Benedict omelette, olives, and fresh warm French bread, with some light white wine. While cooking, he would playfully call out to us “kids” to get up and wash, and once in a while, would drop by to encourage us to get up. At such times, he would be affectionate to both me and the man, usually by caressing us and kissing us gently.
After cleaning up, we would all sit down and eat our meal and chat about all manners of topics, from politics, to literature, to sports. At such times, I would smile to myself and think: “Isn’t this how it should always be: people working together to make sure that they extract the most happiness and joy out of this world?” And looking at the two men surrounding me, I would know that they were thinking the exact same thing.

The Good Chinese Husband

Yes, I am a good husband. I am kind and caring, I have a healthy sense of obligation and do what is expected of me without anyone telling me, and I am faithful and loyal. But for the past year or so, I feel my good nature is being pushed to the limit and I am starting to think that I will not be able to take it any much longer. My wife has steadily grown preoccupied with sex and I am starting to get exhausted by all the emotional and physical energy that she expects me to expend to keep her happy. A year or so ago, we had sex perhaps once a week. Now, we have sex at least twice a day, every day: before I get to work and before we go to sleep. In the weekends, she expects three to four intercourse sessions per day, starting with an extra coitus session on Friday night. All of which would be fine and tolerable if we were in our twenties or even our thirties, but we are not. I am sixty two and she is turning sixty next month. She is a respectable, dowdy Chinese mother of two grown men in their thirties and a doting, loving grandmother of two. And yet, she now spends hours on end, day in and day out, slapping her old, hairy pussy, watching pornographic movies and masturbating loudly. When I leave for work in the morning, my morning session semen still inside for her (she says it is good for the vagina to keep the semen “fermenting” there), she is usually still in bed, a vibrating dildo inside of her inflamed pussy, her tongue wagging in the air, and her hand dexterously working on her clitoris. During the day, she would get up sporadically from her bed to do light housework, cook her lunch, and later in the day, cook dinner, but the bulk of her energy is dedicated to furious, relentless masturbation and reaching orgasms as many times as possible.
During this past year, I saw my wife progressively change from a quiet, submissive woman, who scarcely thought about anything other than her health and the health of her family and the education of her grandchildren, to a voracious sex addict. She does still care about her family and her grandchildren, but now she has a cause: sex. “I am a walking pussy,” she would confess to me sometimes out of the blue. “I just want sex and I like cocks.” During this year, I have witnessed my wife’s language progressively grow coarse and raw. She does not think twice talking about her “cunt” and men’s “balls” and how she sometimes craves to smell “ass holes.” Last year, I would never have imagined her saying to me, “take out your cock and masturbate in front of me,” or “shave your balls, I want to lick them.” Now, watching me jerk off is one of her favorite activities: watching me from across the room masturbating, using shampoo mixed with olive oil — she loves the sound of a man masturbating. And she would order me around, her voice growing hoarse and sharp during these sex sessions. “Put your finger in your ass, you bastard,” she would order, her eyes fixed on my cock or balls, her face serious and determined. “Faster, you dirty old man,” she would groan and then get up from her seat to come closer. I have also noticed that her pussy has grown darker and more menacing — probably, she has grown vaginal muscles from her repeated daily orgasms and the muscles have changed the complexion and physiology of the vaginal area. In any case, there is no doubt that her pussy is now a much stronger animal: when she comes while my penis is inside of her, her contractions are much more powerful than they used to and my penis gets squeezed much harder than in olden days.
But if only her demand was to have me masturbate in front of her or penetrate her. That would have been fine and I would have been able to easily live with it. But she asked for far more. She has also taken to sporting a small strap on dildo and once in a while, putting on a fake mustache and affecting a low voice, she fucks me in my ass. Which I have now grown accustomed to, but the first few days, I felt a little humiliated and abused — especially when she kept repeating, “I am fucking you, Mister homosexual. I am fucking your ass!” More than that: she now regularly spends at least $100 a month on pornographic material — from DVDs to dildos to pictures of men and women making love, to small provocative artifacts. Just the DVDs I counted the other day surpassed two hundred, tackling all aspects of sex, from orgies, to bukkake, to double penetrations, to grannies, to midgets, to ladyboys, to lactating mothers, to just name a few. She is subscribed to Playgirl Magazine and often reads it in the bathroom while taking a dump. Sometimes, when her sexual obsession grips her, she expresses strange cravings — like a craving pregnant woman — that sometimes scare me. Once, she craved the smell of ass and so had us eat black beans, Brussels sprouts, cabbage, and chicken three days in a row. Needless to say, after the first day, the house was bathing in the strong, trenchant aroma of ass that she was looking for. Another time, she had me abstain from ejaculating for a whole week, and then she had me ejaculate six times within a 24 hour period — once every four hours on the hour — (to the point where my sides were hurting) and preserved the semen that I ejaculated into a small glass bottle. The second day, she made us salad and used my semen as dressing (though she mixed it with oil and vinegar to give it body).
With other men, she is becoming ridiculous. If they are men we know, she flirts with them openly, never crossing the line, but coming very close to it. If they are strangers, she ogles them aggressively, shamelessly, staring at them intently in the eyes and then in their crotch area without.
I’ve tried to snap her out of her madness by reminding her that she is a respectable Chinese grandmother, that she is not expected to behave like she was behaving, and that she could get us in real trouble if one day a man would take her to bed and fuck her old, dark pussy. But to no avail. She can’t help it.
A few times, I have considered in my desperation gathering five or six men and bringing them home to her and have them spend a few hours with her in our bedroom, penetrating her and ejaculating in her and on her. Perhaps that would get her over the hump, I thought. But then again, I thought again: she might enjoy it so much that she would turn THAT into her habit. I’ve read that is exactly what has happened to other women who could not return to regular monogamous sex once they had the experience of having sex with several men at the same time.
Now, my thinking is to find a young, handsome, health, good-natured unmarried man — perhaps a college boy in his early twenties — who has an inflamed libido and who would be more than happy to penetrate a pussy on a regular basis, at no monetary or emotional charge, and even get involved in the kinky activities that she likes. To be sure, she will want me to be part of the sessions, and I would oblige. But having the burden of keeping my wild woman satisfied would be such a blessing. In any case, I must do something or one day, her powerful vagina will break my penis in two and suck my testicles completely dry of the meager drops of semen they somehow still manage to generate every day. It is time to act before it’s too late.