How I [F] took my [M] friends virginity

Disclaimer:- As always with my stories, this is long. It is about how I took my friends (soon afterwards – boyfriends) virginity and has a warts and all approach. If you want idealistic fantasy of a virgin guy making a girl orgasm repeatedly, this isn’t for you; but if you want something real, please read on. I hope you enjoy it.

My friends all think of me as a reserved, shy girl. Which on the surface is true. I don’t like being the center of attention and I am not especially extroverted. I had a couple of boyfriends over the years but nothing stuck. What they didn’t know was that the whole time I had been having fun with older men whenever I could get away with it. Having this secret double life excited me. For people to look at a boring; average looking size 10 5’4” girl, with shoulder length chestnut hair, brown eyes, round face and a button nose and have no idea the slut that live within – this seemed like the fun kind of secret. My friends were continually trying to set me up on dates, which usually ended the same way – they went home alone and so did I. I often had the comment from the girls that I must be ‘gaggin’ for it’ and similar things. I wasn’t – I made sure I got my fix.

I [F]inally tried out Tinder to meet a [M]an and was surprised with what I found

Disclaimer:- This story involves a large age gap, I was 21 and the man was 43. It is also ~3000 words long. Any comments, questions, etc. feel free to message me.

I have never had much problem meeting guys. I wouldn’t say I’m a stunning, thin super model; but guys like me. I’m small, at 5’4”, with a big-ish bum, good boobs and long dark hair – naturally hazel but usually dyed darker. For years I thought I would never use dating apps because I thought meeting people was easy. All of my experience was with far more organic meetings, where I either knew them or made and effort to get to know them, in person. Until recently.

When I finished university I went onto a graduate scheme; this involved a lot of travelling. For the first few months I was solely focused on work, having no dates or even much of a social life where I was shuttled around from place to place. By the time I reached Christmas I knew I needed a change. My policy of only meeting people organically was becoming a hindrance. I’m a girl with a high sex drive, and a preference for older men, a combination of criteria not easily met by my situation. All the men I liked were men I worked with; or they were too young for me. So a year ago, just before my 22nd birthday, I thought I would relent and try Tinder.

I [F] impulsively sucked an older friend [M] as a thank you

Typically, I am an extremely reserved girl when it comes to relationships. I take a pride in my public appearance so I make sure to keep my ‘adventures’, as I call them, totally discrete. A large part of that is making sure my partners are somewhat removed socially from me. Of course, this doesn’t always quite work out – my naughty side can overcome my rationality.

I studied on the south coast of England, not too far from home but not close enough to call on my parents when I needed small favours. Most things I could sort out myself; but I accidentally damaged my bedside chest of drawers, or more accurately – my landlord’s bedside chest of draws. I owned up to it and they said there wasn’t any problem if I replace it. Bearing in mind this was new at the start of the year, but I didn’t exactly have a whole load of money laying around. So I took to gumtree and found one very cheap that looked in good condition; the only problem was it was about 30 miles away and my car wasn’t on the road. In my head I hatched this plan to get a train there and somehow use the train to get it back.

I [F]ucked the [M]an from next door in the woods

Disclaimer – There is an age gap of ~20 years with 21F and ~40 male. It’s also long at ~2500 words. This is also my second time writing my experiences down; so any constructive criticism is also welcome.

I have always been a relatively quiet and reserved girl; a typical introvert. Keeping my head down, not a massive party animal and don’t have crazy adventures. Truthfully, my life looks totally dull. I studied hard at university (college for the Americans reading this) and started a graduate scheme after graduation. A boyfriend here and there but nobody interesting. To quote one of my friends (who I’m pretty sure was quoting a tv show) – ‘if you were a spice you would be flour’.

Publicly I do and say all the right things; work hard, spend plenty of time with friends and family, talk about careers and buying houses – all the usual things people expect. Under the surface I have a little secret, I love sex. Specifically; with older men. I try to keep this side of my life hidden; both for the thrill and because it could ruin my reputation, as a result I only get to indulge myself occasionally. I’m not a model, at 5’4”, size 10 (not stick thin), 34d with lighter brown hair and matching brown eyes, I can scrub up well with effort.