
As I open the door to our apartment, I walk in and I don’t hear anything. I thought Cal was home? “Cal?” I close the door and I look around the place. I finally end up making my way to our bedroom and I gasp. My hand covers my mouth as I stand there frozen in complete shock.

Cal is laying on the bed. Naked. Surrounded by mirrors, slowly stroking himself. “Hey princess, welcome home.”

My hand drops from my mouth and I rub my face trying to comprehend what I’m seeing. I turn around and I walk out for a second, trying to gain my composure.

“Babe?” I open the door again and walk back in. “I- what is this?” My voice is so hoarse from the way I’m feeling. I don’t think i can even speak honestly. “Come here. Come on. Sit down.”

I slowly make my way to the bed and I sit down on the edge. “Baby, come. Here.” I look back at Cal and he’s still in that same position.


I’m not sure if I can do this. Stand up there and give this presentation. It’s a ten minute presentation but my anxiety really said no. I get called down by my professor to come and present and I’m shitting bricks right now.
“Hey, babe it’s okay. You’ll be great.” I turn my head and I swear to God I’m gonna pass out from my nerves. “I- are you sure. Jace, I can’t do this.”
He grabs my hands and he looks me in my eyes. “Listen, it’s a big ass lecture hall. 90% of the people here won’t even be listening or watching. Just keep looking at me okay.”
More people start to come in and my anxiety starts to go up even higher. “No i can’t do-“ next thing I know his hand is gripping my thigh and he’s leaning into my ear.
“Come on… be a good girl and go give that presentation baby. I’ll be here waiting with a surprise for you. Don’t worry I’ll be helping you along.”
My eyes flutter at his words and I feel the anxiety slowly start to come down. I hear my professor call my name again and I run down the aisle to the front of the class.

Just a lil knife play


“Are we almost there yet? My legs are starting to cramp up. I can’t sit in here anymore.” Cal just looks over at me completely unamused. He looks me up and down and turns back to driving. “Oh, so I’m not even getting an answer now?” I watch as his jaw clenches and he shifts in his seat. I know I’m annoying him but the brat in me just can’t stop. I love it when I get him angry.

Maybe less than five minutes later I ask him again. “cal?”


I wait a few seconds before I speak and I’m trying so hard to keep in the smile that wants to come out on my face. “Are we almost there?” His hand smacks the steering wheel lightly and he just sighs deeply. “Ask me that shit one more time. I swear to God Tatyana.” I bite my lip and I turn my head away from. The way I want to bust out laughing because I’m doing this on purpose.


If being dragged by my arm to our front door doesn’t tell me I’m in trouble then I don’t know what will. He pushes me inside our apartment and he slams the front door. I just stare as he slowly walks towards me so menacingly. “So you like flirting with other guys? Girls? Right in fucking front of me?” I back up as he takes bigger strides towards me. “I wasn’t flirting with them Cal. They asked me a question and I was just responding.”

“A question? Baby girl you had a whole motherfucking conversation. Don’t try to play me, i know what i fucking saw… and don’t think it’s going to go unpunished.” He takes two steps before he’s in my face with his hand around my throat. “Because i will make you regret ever even looking at someone else that isn’t me.”

He squeezes his hand tight around my neck and he whispers in my ear. “You’re mine.” He pushes me onto the couch and he slowly walks around the couch. I quickly scramble off the couch and I get to the other side. A grin takes its place on his face and he bites his bottom lip. “Oh? So you wanna play games? You better fucking run because when i get you… fucking run. Now.”

Not ready- some fluff and sappy stuff

I desperately want this man. Whether it be friends, enemies, lovers, whatever- i just want him. Everyday I’m either thinking about getting fucked by him or just letting him lay in between my legs. It’s become a daily thing to just zone out and think about him, think about how different everything could be if i spoke up.

But alright, so what he doesn’t want me. That’s cool too… i guess. “Hey.” A familiar voice wakes me up out of my internal rant. I look up and there he is. Standing right in front of me with a grin plastered on his face.

I smile back slightly and I say hi right back. “Hey Danny…” I grab my bag and we walk out of the building. As we walk back to my apartment, I can’t help but notice such an awkward or tense vibe surrounding us. I don’t like it.

I open the door to my apartment and I walk in dropping my stuff on the floor. I watch as he walks in and I just look around awkwardly. When he drops his bag on the floor I watch him do a double take and he looks at me. “What’s wrong?” I refuse to make eye contact with him and I just look at my hands. “I um- did you think about what i said last night?”


“Hey, uh class is over?”

“Hello? Did you fall asleep again? Ari wake up.”

A loud smack on my desk scares me and I jolt against my desk. “Shit…” I wince at the pain surging from my knee. Rubbing my knee, I look up and I see someone standing in front of me. “You should head out, go to your next class.”

My eyes rake up the body in front of me until they meet another pair of eyes. It took a few seconds for my eyes to adjust to the dim light when I finally realized who it is. “I- cal? What are you doing here? I thought you were off?” I look around the class and I realize it’s just the two of us left in the room.

“Yeah, I was but I came in to help grade some tests. And I told you, don’t call me that.”

I snort and I roll my eyes at him. “What else should i call you then? Hmm?” I watched as his jaw clenched and he shut his eyes. “I told you-“