Valentines week story 1

Three years. For three years I’ve been living with this man. I know every single thing that makes him tick. I know just what to say, what to do, and I take a lot of pride in it.

But what I hate is when he tries to act like I can’t read him. Like I don’t know when he’s hiding something from me. For the past two weeks, he’s been so distant. It’s been bugging the fuck out of me because I just keep wracking my brain; what did I do?

I’m hoping that because it’s valentine’s day tomorrow he’ll show some more love towards me. It’s so weird to not even see him look at me. There’s no other way to describe it except that it hurts tremendously.

I shift my head up and I look at the clock. 11:43 pm. My hand slides over to his side of the bed and my hand grabs nothing. Pure air. I turn over and I stare at the ceiling. Small tears falling from the corners of my eyes as I felt the pillow underneath me get wet. Second, by second I can feel my throat getting tighter and tighter and I raise my hands to my eyes. I ground the palms of my hands into my eyes as if that’s going to stop the flood of tears about to fall out of my eyes right now.


It feels like I’ve been planning for this day for years. but now that I think about it I’ve probably been planning it ever since I met her.

I planned out a nice dinner and a bunch of other shit. But it’s ruined now. While I was out, I don’t know where I was passing by but I saw her. I saw her kissing someone else. Kissing another guy.

I pulled over and I threw everything out. Flowers, groceries, candles. I threw out everything. I’ve been sitting on this couch for the last three hours waiting for her to come home. Thinking back to my car ride home I remember I could feel the tears pricking the sides of my eyes. I can vividly remember the feeling of how bad my nose was burning.

It felt like I’d been stabbed in the chest. In my heart. It’s valentines week… a few days before the date. I can’t believe she’d do that, there has to be an excuse but I’m so angry I don’t think I’ll give her the chance to explain.


Like every other day, it’s been stressful as fuck. So, I decided to take some pictures. I plugged in my flat iron and started searching for my clothes. I decided on just a lingerie photoshoot. Why not? I look at my phone and still no text from him.

Is he coming home anytime soon? I feel like this is later than he usually stays at work. I hope he’s okay. I stare at myself in the mirror and I start fixing my hair.

When I finished I looked over myself and fuck, I look good. I start taking my pictures and in between some of them, I check my phone. Over. And over.

After my pictures are done, I still keep my phone propped up on the stand. In the last pose, I was on my knees and then I had spread my thighs wide open. I still had my camera app open and when I looked up I gasped. “Fuck, why do I look good?” The way I’m sitting is a perfect angle to ride someone. I started to whisper out loud to myself. “Imagine riding him like this. One hand wrapped around his throat. The other tied up with mine. Fuck-“


“Get on the fucking bed. Now.” My body bounces on the bed and I gasp. I watch as he walks towards our closet. I hear a bunch of rummaging and he walks out. My hands automatically drop to my lap and in one I see handcuffs and in another rope.

He throws them on the bed in front of me and I flinch as the cuffs hit my ankle. “Pick.” I stare at him and then stare at the cuffs and the rope. I let out a breath of air and I slowly reached my hand out. “Faster, come on.”

In a panicked frenzy my hand grabs the rope and I shift my head up. His eyes are staring at me and he simply says “Get undressed. When I come back I want you naked.”

I quickly start to remove my clothes and I start to hear his footsteps. My breathing gets quicker as I hear him get closer. “Shit…” I can’t get the buttons open on my shirt. “Shit, shit, fucking open… god-“

“I thought i told you i wanted to see you naked when i came back into this room…” I just watch a thousand emotions pass through his face and he slowly walks towards me.

Categorized as Erotica

Thighs (NSFW)

How much longer are you going to be?” I huff and roll my eyes and keep putting on my eyeliner. “Baby come on, we’re gonna be late.” I smack my eyeliner on the counter and I snap my head around. “Stop rushing me! Oh my God…”

I turn back around and when I look back in the mirror, he’s still standing behind me. I sigh and I just ignore him. I watch as he takes a couple of steps towards me and he nudges my leg. I look down at his leg and then I look up at his face. A small smile coming out and once again, I ignored him.

A few minutes pass and then I feel his leg again. “Jesus christ…” I muttered underneath my breath. “What! What do you want? How can I finish if you keep interrupting me cal.” His face drops slightly and he whispers out “I just want to be closer to you, that’s all.” I stand up and I walk to the closet. When I come back I stop in my tracks because cal is in my seat.

Categorized as Erotica

In the morning [NSFW]

4:24 am

4:25 am

4:26 am

Okay, why the fuck is the time going so slow? I shut my eyes again only to wake them up and see 4:27 am. I groan into my pillow and I take a few deep breaths.

Maybe if you calm yourself down you can fall asleep.

I try to get comfortable in the bed but it’s just not working. I get out of bed and I walk to the kitchen. I open the fridge and I grab some stuff to make a sandwich.

I’m not even hungry but I’m just hoping a full stomach will make me tired. I let out a deep sigh as I started to grab a pan. I cut up some butter and dropped it in the pan with the bread.

As I grabbed the knife and started slicing the cheese, a pair of arms slipped around my waist. “Oh fuck-“

I drop the knife on the cutting board and I groan. “Jesus Christ, you can’t sneak up on me like that. Especially at… 4:40 in the morning.” He sighs and says “I’m sorry baby.”

Communication is key [SFW] [random scenario] [cursing]

Who the fuck is calling me right now? I look over to my nightstand and I see 3:04 am I’m bright red LED numbers. I pinch my eyes closed and I reach for my phone but I stop. The ringing stopped. I let out a breath and closed my eyes again.

About two minutes later, my phone rings again. “What the-“ I quickly glance at my clock and I see 3:06 am. I search the covers blindly and finally find it. “Who the fuck…” the ringing stopped but I have no notifications on my phone.

“Yo, it’s too early for this right now. Who keeps calling-“ just as I’m about to throw my phone a name pops up.


My eyes widen and I swipe to answer the call.

My eyes frantically look around my room and my heart pounds in my chest. Silence, all I hear is silence.

Well, now I hear heavy breathing. “H-hello?” The breathing stops for a quick second before resuming and that deep voice I’ve fallen in love with. That deep voice I haven’t heard speak to me, address me, talk to me in months.

Not ready [nsfw]

Not ready

I desperately want this man. Whether it be friends, enemies, lovers, whatever- I just want him. Every day I’m either thinking about getting fucked by him or just letting him lay in between my legs. It’s become a daily thing to just zone out and think about him, think about how different everything could be if I spoke up.

But alright, so what he doesn’t want me. That’s cool too… I guess. “Hey.” A familiar voice snaps me out of my internal rant. I look up and there he is. Standing right in front of me with a grin plastered on his face.

I smile back slightly and I say hi right back. “Hey Danny…” I grab my bag and we walk out of the building. As we walk back to my apartment, I can’t help but notice such an awkward or tense vibe surrounding us. I don’t like it.

I open the door to my apartment and I walk in dropping my stuff on the floor. I watch as he walks in and I just look around awkwardly. When he drops his bag on the floor I watch him do a double-take and he looks at me. “What’s wrong?” I refuse to make eye contact with him and I just look at my hands. “I um- did you think about what I said last night?”

Categorized as Erotica


Sitting in this Uber has to be the hardest thing I’ve ever done. The way I’m suppressing the urge to slap the shit out of this man. “Baby look at me. I’m sorry.” His hand comes up to my cheek and I push him away. “Get off me.” I moved closer to the window further away from him. His hands wrap around my waist as he tries to pull me closer to him.

“Baby come on, don’t be like that. I’m so sorry.” I feel his body wrap around me and he whispers to me “Can I make it up to you?” he starts kissing my neck. His hand starts to roam around my body, slowly making its way down. “Tell me, how can I make it up to you. Hmm?”

His hand slips under my shirt and he starts unbuttoning my pants. “What are you doing? Eros stop it-” His hand slips into my pants and I gasp, jolting against the door. I look up front at the Uber driver and he’s entranced in a heated phone call. “See he’s not even paying attention to us.”


I’ve never met anyone as stubborn as me. Or crazy like me. hungry like me. It’s been torture not being able to taste her. Do you know how hard it is to want something so bad and to have it dangle in front of you?

I’ve been at this business conference for the last four days and I swear every time I think about her, my mouth waters. Thank God it’s the last day, I honestly don’t think I could’ve lasted another night just using my hand. Four nights of constant teasing from her. Four nights of constantly teasing myself.

I pull up into our driveway and I smile when I see her silhouette pass by the window. She’s home.

I don’t even grab my bags. I leave everything but my keys and I run to the door. I push open the door and I walk in looking around like a madman. Where’s my girl? Where’d-

I do a double-take when I see her walk down the steps. With each step, she takes, even more, graceful than the one before, my heart races. Fuck, I’m so nervous. I missed her so much.