panic [nsfw] [rough] [bdsm]

I woke up in a panic. my head frantically searching the bed for him. “baby?” where’d he go? I pushed the covers off and I shivered when my feet touched the floor. it was so cold.

I grabbed my phone and I saw the time. 3:34 am

I pushed the door open slowly and I peeked my head out into the hallway. “hello?” the floor creaked beneath my feet the closer I got to the small sliver of light I saw at the end of the hall.

I turned the corner and walked into the kitchen and there he was. head down in his arms and he was sleeping on the island. I walked up to him slowly and I softly touched his shoulder.

he jolted awake and I pulled my hand away. “hey it’s just me.” It took him a minute to adjust his eyes to the light but he smiled when he saw me. “How come you’re out here? are you okay?”

he grabbed my hand and pulled me closer to him. He patted the counter and I jumped up. I sat in front of him and he wrapped my legs around him. “…couldn’t sleep, so I came out here to get some water and I don’t know what happened.”

Car [NSFW]

He stands a few feet away from me as I sat in my car. My arms on the window, my head resting on my arms, while letting the wind blow in my face.

Whatever he said made me smile but I stuck up my middle finger at him. “Fuck you, Aaron.” He grinned at me and tried to push my middle finger down. He smacked at my hand and we got into a little hand fight. The feeling of his hand on mine is something I can’t describe. It was just warm and soft, just like in his pictures. 

He leaned up against the car and pushed his face close to mine. He put his hand and put it against mine and he said “you have small fingers.” I turned my head to him and I gasped at how close he was. “no I don’t. My middle fingers the same length as yours. Look-“I moved my finger so it was touching his and I measured. “See? It’s the same size.” I beamed a smile up at him and he looked right back at me. 

polaroid picture

“I’ll see you when I get home, love you.”

*beep beep beep*

It’s been a long day and I’m driving home from work. The traffic is crazy and all I wanna do is go home and lay in my bed and cuddle with my baby girl. 

I get stopped at a red light and I pull down the visor just out of habit. I watched as something trickled down the air and fell down Into my lap. I quickly look up at the light to see if it’s changed to green and it hasn’t so I look back down. I pick up what fell and I turn it over and I lurch the car forward, banging my knee on the wheel. I groaned out in pain and rubbed my knee and looked back at the picture. It’s a Polaroid picture of me blindfolded, sitting on our bed, covered in my own come. My mouth dropped open as I keep looking at the picture and all I could do is shake my head in pure disbelief.


“I swear to god, don’t fucking start with me Aaron.”

“What? I didn’t do anything.”

when she isn’t looking I hit the fry out of her hand. “Aaron, I swear to god, if you don’t stop right now, I’m going to fucking. Kill you. Stop.” She looks up at me and I give her the biggest grin. I know she probably wants to smack the shit out of me.

The fry is this close to being inside her mouth and I hit it. Again. she closes her eyes and then stands up from the table and walks away. As she walks away I scream after her “Hey- no baby come back! I’m sorry-“ I saw her disappear into the bathroom and my stomach just dropped. I hope I didn’t get her too upset, I was just playing around. I didn’t mean to get her angry. I sigh and I put my hands in my head and then I hear shifting in front of me. my head snaps up and I immediately say “Baby, I’m so sorry.”


“I won’t do it again, I promise. Please don’t be mad at me.”


Walking into the building I could already smell that pungent scent of weed. “Does this man ever stop fucking smoking?” I say to myself. I mean don’t get me wrong i like it. But only him. He’s the only one that could ever remotely make smoking look attractive. I put the key in the door only to be met with the most attractive sight. Just as I look up, so does he. His tongue pokes out getting ready to lick the blunt. He keeps his eyes on me as i keep mine on his mouth and i watch him slowly lick from one end… to the other. Fuck, that is not what i expected to see when i walked in.

I try to move my feet but they’re glued to the floor. For some reason watching him is so intoxicating. It’s like I’m hypnotized. He slowly lifts the blunt and the lighter up to his mouth and I watch as he lights it. He takes a pull and then leans back on the couch. He blows the smoke out his mouth and he slowly lifts his fingers up. He makes a motion for me to come towards him and he says “get over here.”

I can’t take it anymore

I think about you all the time. I think about what you’re doing, how you’re doing, and how I can get you to stop whatever it is you’re doing, so you can talk to me. At night is when I really think about you. Not really relationship-type thinking although it’s there in the back of my mind. I think about all the times I could have driven over to your job or just casually popped up at your house. I think about all the times I laid in bed and thought of all the places we could fuck. All the places you could kiss me. All the places on my body I know you’d have fun with. The way I know you’d take your sweet time licking… sucking… fingering… and fucking my cunt or in your words “my pretty little pussy”. 

End of Valentine’s Day (part 4)

After our little escapade in the pool, I remember his arms sliding underneath me. Guiding my body along with the water because I was too lazy to swim. After that fuck fest who wouldn’t be tired? When we get out on the other side of the waterfall it was like leaving one world and entering another. “God this is so beautiful…” I remember whispering to myself.

He stepped out of the water and laid me down on top of the blanket. He laid down next to me and fell asleep. I’ve been staring at him for the last twenty minutes. Just admiring him. Admiring where we are. I can’t believe how gorgeous this garden is.

“Hey…” I push his shoulder slightly. “Hey, wake up…” his eyes slowly open up and adjust to the light. “hi… what’s up? How long was I out for?” I whisper “twenty minutes… can you show me around?”

I watch his facial expression change and he sits up straighter. “uh yeah sure.” he stood up and stretched his arm out. “come on.” I take his hand and he pulls me up and we start walking.

Categorized as Erotica

Multiple orgasms

“Sit down.”

A million emotions were running through my body and a thousand thoughts running through my mind. How do I always get myself into these situations? “I said sit… down. Don’t make me fucking repeat myself again.” My eyes snapped up to his face and immediately sat down on the couch.


“Shut up. I don’t… don’t want to hear you speak unless I tell you to, okay?” He bends down to my level and grips my face, squishing my cheeks and he whispers “can you do that for me?”

He leaned even closer and whispered so softly “can you be a good girl for me?” he lets go of my face and I say “yes…” He quickly stands up and walks away while saying “yes what?”

I roll my eyes and I say “yes daddy.” I move my hands up and down my thighs trying to calm myself a little. I heard the drawer close near our dresser and then I heard a small clinking noise. I try to decipher what it is and that’s when I see his hand. My eyes widen and I start to back up against the couch.

pool (part 2 of shower)

“Hey, you ready?” I scramble to get my stuff into my bag and I run out the room. “Yeah, yeah lets go. What?” I look up and he’s standing there staring at me. “What? Do I have something on me? Do you not like it?”

It’s like he was in a daze and he suddenly yells at me “No! I’m sorry. I don’t know why I yelled.” he walks up to me and he says “you look amazing. I love it.” He slides his hand into mine and we walk to the car.

He walks ahead of me and opens my door. “M’lady. Your chariot awaits.” he holds out his hand and I place mine in it. “Well thank you kind sir.” i snort at our stupid banter and i can’t help but smile. I can’t believe how much i love this guy. It’s fucking crazy.

The entire car ride he let me control the music, the heated seats, the air- everything. “So… can you tell me where we’re going?” he looks over at me and smiles softly. “We’re going to… shit where are we going?” my head snaps to my left and my eyes widen. “Please tell me you know where we’re going… don’t tell me we got lost.” he looks at me sheepishly and I start to see the car pullover.


After this morning, I don’t want to call it weird, but the vibe between us has been very tense. Every time I look at him I can’t decipher if he’s still upset about this morning. Since we left the bedroom he’s been on the go. Non-Stop moving around, non-stop leaving the apartment and coming back with a shit ton of groceries and it’s honestly confusing me.

I mean it’s cute if he’s cooking for me but it looks like the poor guy purchased the entire store. After our little debacle this morning he ordered me to get dressed and to leave the house. Specifically not to come back for four hours. Why four hours? I don’t know but because of that now I’m standing in the middle of a fucking park freezing my ass off. Why? Because I didn’t know where else to go.

I mean I guess I could go shopping or just go to the mall but that’s so boring. I reach for my phone in my pocket and I check the time. Thank God it’s been two hours already but fuck. Reluctantly I get up from the bench and walk to my car. By the time I got to the mall, I already had to head back home.