A Fool’s Errand

Wandering for days in the woods alone,
a Fool quested along with his guiding bone

To find the pebble of heart carved gold
A task bestowed or so he was told

He thought of his treasure
Success meant mutual pleasure

But he could not find what he could not see
And returned after a mean sting by a bee

His queen was in leisure looking ever so bored
At her feet was a groveling peasant ward

Stolen was his time slot to worship and praise
A deceptive tale now set him ablaze

Later he confronted the giver of feigned quests
And pushed him into the pit of spiky breasts

The fool then reclaimed his 4pm spot
And continues sucking royal big toe on the dot

Categorized as Erotica

A Mouth Still Full Of My Valentine’s Part 1

Once upon a time there was a local peasant boy that had a once in lifetime experience, a date with the royal left foot. But how did that come to be? Well it all began a week prior..

The personal peasant slave weenie extraordinaire of castle Gorgeous was assisting the mistress of the manor. Queen Princess Gorgeous was preparing the Valentine’s Day glamour for the ugly subpar women whom the peasant inhabitants have to settle for. In order for each glamour to transform the slugs into slugs with glitter splashed all over their faces, she had to give each vial some breath of life. Then they would be distributed to the town shops.

The Princess Queen Gorgeous decided to give the most potent extra concentrated breaths that she can give. And so she had her personal little weenie peasant helper hold each finished vial, pressing firmly to royal gorgeous hindquarters. She expunged the vibrant breath of life wind into each vial, and the weenie helper would seal it quickly with the top. They worked on it for a few days. However in the middle of the week, there was the incident in the castle that sparked it all.. The peasant helper sat in a tiny chair, dwarfed by the double barrel shotgun wide bodacious gorgeous derriere.

My Very Gorgeous Valentine

Piedro lived a simple peasant life. He worked the fields, tilled away at the soil, and fulfilled the most unpleasant of work like a good stooge. He had always dedicated his time to his craft of stooge-manship, never straying off course to indulge in the pleasures of life, the dark temptations of the flesh, the wonderful flavors of yum yum baked goodies. He simply took his crumb crumb allowance and managed to get by off of the bare minimum, very complacent. He ate bland food and multivitamins, and had a social circle of only fellow co-worker peasant subordinates.

Piedro had not actually been on a date before in all his life. He had not considered it. Seeing couples fiendishly smack lips on park benches seemed like a distraction in Piedro’s eyes. When Valentine’s Day came to the kingdom of gorgeousness, he always focused extra on his field work to distract himself from the festivities. On this particular day there was a new “glamour” out. The peasant married women rushed to the markets and purchased glamour galore. The glamour temporarily changed their appearances to resemble the esteemed Queen Princess Gorgeous.
The happy peasant husbands eagerly swooped in to wine and dine their wives, in this more prefered state; post glamour very gorgeous facial reconstruction. Weenies waddled through the streets as their pants fell off and into the wind, as they rushed home from the early ending to field work.

Fiendish Wrath Part 2

Theodore sat for a week alone in a cell, after his transgressions against the Gorgeous Empire. There was no light. There was no new air. His sentence was specially customized for him to endure . Theodore was dragged before the town square to be made an example of. Queen Princess Gorgeous brought her court weenie mage that day, which meant business.

The local peasants crawled upon the scene to watch. They were always enthused to see a public punishing. Like flies over rotten fruit, soon they were all buzzing around the scene. “Quiet peasants! I have before you today a very bad weenie. Let this be a lesson to you all today. Do not shirk on your responsibilities. Peasant Theodore did… and now well… he has to face the consequences.” Theodore still had the stocking pulled over his head. He could not see clearly and was restrained by two of the elite gorgeous security guards from both sides.

Detective Gorgeous #1

Detective Gorgeous #1

Once upon a time there was an old super hero staying at a hospital, for he had received one too many boo boos at the Old Folks Home, in his recent encounter with the Senior Citizen Squad. He spent his life fighting crime with his heat vision and super abs of steel. Now his tummy hangs and he is cursed with Xray vision that won’t turn off.

One day after being traumatized by the saggy baggy nurses who apparently don’t shave their legs or armpits, which are dyed green to fight the patriarchy, as well as stand up to the gender conformity something something… A nurse walked in unseen to the retired hero… and then seen… His teeth fell out of his mouth… And his heart stopped. And so as the old hero awoke from his nap, he could hear humming as well. The nurse was changing his old man feeding tubes. His forehead dribbled with sweat.

Fiendish Wrath [Fetish] [Stocking]

Once upon a time there lived a weenie class peasant whose job was to keep tidy the local golden brick road, whom the Princess Queen Gorgeous strolls upon. And by tidy, that is to be kept immaculate. It stretched for 3 blocks with handpicked weenies among the peasant population to run certain stores for the Gorgeous to shop at. There was a bakery, clothing shops, little trinkets stores, and a few others. They only exist to serve the Queen Princess Gorgeous. No one unauthorized is allowed on the golden brick road…
The weenie named Theodore did the maintenance. He was paid in crumb crumbs but also received a bonus. He received a second summons this year for little sock laundry duty. And so he skipped merrily to the courthouse to get his load. He received his load and went to Granny Laundry Palace. Theodore had the “Sugar Spice Everything Nice” soap, as it is instructed by the court order. He dumped the little gorgeous socks in the machine and noticed one seemingly different.. A pantyhose or a stocking. His weenie brain malfunctioned, already tapped out, and blessed with the presence of such grace twice in the same year.

Endless Parables

Endless Parables

In a land far far away , in a land hidden deep in all hearts

The kingdom of Princess Queen Gorgeous is…It is a magical place… Where impossible things take place

It might be hard to believe, but truth supersedes, all are welcome to join in and hail

Hail who you ask ?

Why the queen of mean

Why whose farts make thee want to sing , a future foreseen

Princess Queen Gorgeous is the sun of the world

From her Nanni throne curled,

To by gifts, surrounded and swirled

The chubby chubbies waddle in the fields . The peasants pick cotton, crops, and cry. There are jealous fat ugly witches and noble weenie shaped knights . The sky might be pink , might be blue if she does choose.

This land is her land . And so all hail and appreciate her life

Animals talk . Possibilities flock. Any dream dreamt may come true. Why not for you . For the princess of course . She is god’s gift . And all that she does wish. Is to be happy .