Demon Queened – Chapter 2, Part 2 [Fiction] [Gender Bender] [F/F] [Succubus] [Fallen Angel] [No actual smut in this chapter, I’m afraid]

“Abigail?” called a voice. “Is that you?”

“M-Mom?!” Abigail called back. Her cheeks had grown pale, and her eyes were wide as dinner plates. “Wh-what are you doing up this early?”

“Oh, I had a late night at the brothel, dear,” the voice replied. “I was planning to make myself something to eat and head to bed, actually. But what are you doing here? Don’t you have work, today? You didn’t get fired, did you, dear?” The owner of the voice came into view with that question, stepping out of what I assumed to be the kitchen and peering curiously at us. She had long, wavy brown hair cascading down to her waist and pitch black eyes. She was well endowed, much more so than Abigail, with breasts you could bury your face in. Probably a D-36, about, if I had to guess? Her ass was pretty big, too, more than big enough to fill the average person’s palms. She was wearing a backless red halter top, and a black skirt. She looked to be in her late twenties, or maybe early thirties, but judging by her conversation with Abigail I doubted that either was actually the case. Judging by the black leathery wings that stretched out behind her, she was a lesser succubus like Abigail. That meant her lifespan was almost as long as… Well, mine, I supposed.

Demon Queened – Chapter 2, Part 1 [Fiction] [Gender Bender] [F/F] [Succubus] [Fallen Angel] [No actual smut in this chapter, I’m afraid]

“…I can’t believe it,” Abigail whispered. True to her words, my maid’s eyes were filled with disbelief as she stared at me. Her mouth opened again, and then closed as if she couldn’t quite figure out what to say. Her hand reached out toward me, and I thought for a moment that she would prod me to see if I were real, but then she seemed to think better of it . “I really can’t believe it,” she repeated, shaking her head back and forth.

“…Don’t you think you’re being a touch rude?” I demanded, exasperated. “I do not see the need to stare at me with such shock just because I got up a bit early.”

“You *never* get up without being woken, first, your highness,” Abigail pointed out, narrowing her eyes at me. “And you certainly never dress yourself. Where did you even find those clothes?”

“Do you not like them?” I peered down at myself, not entirely sure what the complaint was. My blouse was solid black, with long sleeves and a stiff collar. My skirt was red, and ended just past my knees. I was wearing a pair of white knee high stockings as well, meaning that the vast majority of my skin was covered. Not exactly my normal M.O., but that was rather the point. I was a brand new person, thanks to regaining memories of my past life, and I saw today as my official debut.

Demon Queened – Chapters 1, part 2 [Fiction] [Gender Bender] [F/F] [Succubus] [Fallen Angel] [Oral]

“My queen? Are you alright?” I asked. I was careful to keep my head bowed, and my eyesight focused on the bed instead of the queen herself. Looking directly at Devilla was a good way to get slapped, and that was when she was just a princess. I didn’t want to imagine what she’d do to me for looking at her now that she was queen.

Or rather, I really wanted to imagine it, and in depth too, but probably not until I was off work. Getting my panties soaked in arousal while on the job was a big no-no for me. Professionalism was important, after all.

My question got a nod from Devilla, but nothing else. Usually she’d spout some nonsense about how great she was, and then maybe threaten to throw me in the dungeon for doubting her. The fact that she just nodded, instead, was actually a little concerning. Whatever happened at the coronation must have taken a lot out of her.

Demon Queened – Chapters 1, part 1 [Fiction] [Gender Bender] [F/F] [Succubus] [Fallen Angel] [Smut in part 2]

**Author’s Note:** Hi. First time posting here, so hopefully I don’t mess anything up. Hope you enjoy <3 This *is* meant to be erotica, btw, but there’s also a lot of actual story – specifically it’s a comedic lesbian gender bender harem of an isekai. I was gonna post chapter 2 in the same post so as to get it out quickly without spamming the subreddit, but in the end I couldn’t even fit all of chapter 1 in this post. Planning to post the second half of chapter 1 right away – including the sexy bits – so hope you’ll enjoy

“Just how big is this thing?” Jacob muttered, glaring at his computer. The words “Tower Conquest” were stretched across his screen, in large golden letters. Beneath that was the subtitle, “Can you take Dimona tower as your own?” and beneath *that* was a loading bar, which had been slowly filling up for the last fifteen minutes. It was still only at ninety percent, though it did tick over to ninety one even as he glared.