Can I Text You Some Time?

You never thought you’d be in this situation. Cock hungry and attention deprived by the guy with the dad bod who approached you at the bar 3 months ago.

He was definitely not your type but you appreciated his confidence for even approaching you. You were ready to dismiss him but before you had the chance he disarmed you with his smile and the corniest joke that for some reason only he could’ve pulled off. You size him up, look at his hands and noticed a mark around his ring finger. He’s married but hes trying to hide it you think to your self, what a scumbag. But for some reason you can’t bring yourself to end the conversation. Hes funny, attentive and isn’t looking at your breast every three seconds. It was a nice change of pace from the regular jerkwads that approach you.

His Mistress Part 1

Hey guy I’m not really a writer but I just wanted to try my hand at this since I was feeling inspired. Anyway sorry for the grammatical errors in advance.

You never thought you’d be in this situation. Cock-hungry and attention deprived by the guy with the dad bod who approached you at the bar 3 months ago.

He was definitely not your type but you appreciated his confidence for even approaching you. You were ready to dismiss him but before you had the chance he disarmed you with his smile and the corniest joke that for some reason only he could’ve pulled off. You size him up, look at his hands, and noticed a mark around his ring finger. He’s married but he’s trying to hide it you think to your self, what a scumbag. But for some reason, you can’t bring yourself to end the conversation. He’s funny, attentive and isn’t looking at your breast every three seconds. It was a nice change of pace from the regular jerkwads that approach you.