Just some good ole fashioned great sex with my husband [FM]

The last couple of stories I’ve shared have been pretty out there, so I thought I’d share a fun time I had with my husband a couple of days ago.

I had the day off of work and had nothing planned for the day. He had a day full of conference calls but he works from home. I planned to make lunch for him but I was feeling pretty worked up all morning so instead I decided to surprise him with something else.

He has always worked from home and on multiple occasions he’s talked about having a fantasy of getting blown while he’s on a call. I know, seems pretty simple and something I should have made happen long ago, but for one reason or another, it just hadn’t happened. Today though, I decided I would change that.

I went through my lingerie drawer and found the trashiest piece of lingerie I could find which was this fishnet style body stocking. I wore no bra but put on some stocking to go with it all and some stripper heals. To add to all of that, he’s been really wanting to do anal lately, so I slipped in a butt plug for an extra surprise. I put on some make-up did my hair, and I was ready.

Making good use of a hotel room (three guys in 24 hours) [FM]

Last week, Sam, a guy who I would see once in a while texted me asking when we were going to get together again. I hadn’t played with anyone in a while due to the pandemic, but lately my husband has loosened up a bit and agreed to let me go see him (I should explain here that we have an open/hotwife relationship). I also happen to have the week off from work and thought it would be a great way to spend the day. I found a hotel with a rooftop pool and booked it for one night.

On Thursday, on woke up, got everything ready, and left the house before noon. I knew Sam wasn’t going to show up until much later, but I just went to the pool on my own until he got there. At the pool though I ended up meeting Richard. An older guy who was in town visiting family. We started talking about some random movie and we happened to get along well. He bought me a couple of drinks but we just left it at that.

How I ended up with a masturbation buddy who would cum on my face [FM]

After breaking up with my first boyfriend in college, I started to hang out with this guy. It was always just platonic since he had a gf, but thanks to my ex, I had alienated all of my previous friends and he was the only person that I really knew. We had originally met in class but continued to keep up with each other.

Anyway, after the break-up, we would hang out often. I had enter my “slutty” phase and he knew about quite a few of my hook-ups. He’s the person I would text with my “I woke up in a random bed today” stories. One day, we were hanging out at his place and we started to talk about his sex life with his gf. His gf was gorgeous. Definitely the type would would have been IG popular had IG been around at that time. But apparently, she was pretty stuck up in bed. A lot that she wouldn’t do. One thing that he mentioned that he always wanted to do was cum on her face but she flatly refused to have cum anywhere on her, let alone her face. I on the other hand, was the kind of girl who didn’t care where the guy came. If the guy asked to cum on my face, I would just say “ok”.

Being a good wing-woman [FM]

Before everything went into lockdown mode, going out was pretty much a weekly affair for my best friend and I. The last time we went out, she met a guy (we’ll call him Eric) at the bar that she really clicked with. The guy was tall, fairly good looking, funny, and very charming. Unfortunately, he had a friend (we’ll call him Robert) with him who was nowhere near as smooth. He was short although still fairly good looking, but his personality was awful. Very annoying. He thought he was funny when he wasn’t funny at all. More high school boy humor than anything. He was also completely unaware of anything around him and couldn’t tell that he was basically cock blocking as he kept on butting into my friend’s and his friend’s conversation. At one point, he literally sat in between the two of them.

I slept with another man the night before my wedding [FM]

When my husband and I got married, we decided to spend the night before the wedding apart from each other. He stayed at a friend’s house and I stayed at a friend’s house. However, I never mentioned what “friend” I was going to stay with. He assumed I would be staying with my best friend but he never actually asked me and I also didn’t volunteer the information. The friend I stayed with was an old friend with benefits who had reached out to me just a couple of months prior. He was disappointed that I was getting married and said he would love to have just one more night with me before I tied the knot. My husband and I already had an open relationship, but I didn’t tell my FWB. I figured it would be fun to indulge on my last night as a “bachelorette” and I asked him if I could spend the night with him. Of course he said yes and we fucked literally all night. By the time we actually went to sleep the sun was coming up.