The time my (27f at the time) husband (29m at the time) arranged a fuck for me with a guy (51m) I’d never met before [mf]

DM’s welcome but no pics please.

Me (37f) and my husband (39m) have been doing this sort of thing since we first got together 20 years ago.

I finally told him about this profile yesterday and asked him what I’ve done that I haven’t wrote about yet that he loved and there was a few but we settled on this one lol.
We normally act as though I’m single and I’ll arrange my own dates and tell him about it afterwards but I asked him once to pick someone for me and it had to be someone he knew.

He’s a regular on boxing forums having a done a bit of boxing when he was younger and they had done a few meet ups in person to go watch some boxing. He decided to pick one of these as they didn’t know him well enough to expose us in real life and he also didn’t really care if he never saw them again. So he messaged the guy who lived closest to us, explained everything and asked if he’d be interested. He was so they met for a drink to discuss everything and I said he could show him some photos of me.
On the day we booked two hotel room so he could be in the one next door. We got there at 2 and told the guy to get there at 4 and told him he could stay for as long as he wants, two minutes or until the next morning it was up to him.

When I (35f married) gave the young guy (19m) from my last story a blowing in front of his friend [mf]

Since my last story about me having sex with a younger guy at the gym a few people have asked for the full story of something I mentioned about me giving him a blowjob in front of his friend so I thought I’d write it.

We’d been texting a bit after what happened and I still give him lifts to and from the gym. One Friday night we were texting and we were both out in Nottingham city centre, him with his friends and me at a works do. I said I’d be leaving about 1am and if he wanted a lift home I’d give him one. He asked if I could give two of his friends a lift too and I said yes. He then asked if I’d give them something extra. I quickly rang my husband and asked him (woke him up too lol) and he said yeah do what you want so I text Josh back and said “I’m all yours do what you want”.

The time I (35f at the time) fucked a younger guy (19m) [mf]

I’m 37 and been with my husband for 20 years since I was 17 and he was 19. Practically from the start we have had a hotwife relationship. I’ve told numerous stories over the past few weeks of our lifestyle. One of them was about when I was 20 and fucked a 62 year old man. After that I got a few private messages asking what the biggest age gap was with a younger guy and this is it! It’s the old cliche of younger guy at the gym as well lol.

I go to the gym between 5 and 6 am a couple of times a week. I’ve never been with anyone from the gym even though I know my husband wouldn’t mind, it’s just something that never happened. It wasn’t busy at those times and I was just focused on working out. Never checked anyone out and never noticed anyone checking me out.

The biggest age gap I’ve had with someone I fucked, 42 years [mf]

Finishing my seven stories in seven days with this one. All the people who have accused me off spamming the subs I’m sorry and tonight is the last one

I was 20 he was 62. If you read some of my previous posts you’ll know I’ve been with my husband since I was 17 and he likes me being with other men. One of my other posts is about me going on msn back in the day with other men and stripping and playing with myself for them. One of them was this guy and it led to me going round to his to give him a blowjob but I ended up fucking him.

We met each other because we used to work together at the local supermarket. He was one of them friendly guys that every supermarket has been there over 30 years and done the same job the whole time. This guy worked in the bakery, I worked weekends in the fresh meats section while I was at uni. We worked the same shifts so our breaks always matched up and we used to sit with the same people around the same table and he was so funny, he had me crying tears of laughter every break time.

My boyfriend (now husband) watched me and my friend kissing and grinding on a group of guys before leaving with them [mf]

Day 6 of my 7 days of stories! Sorry to those who think I’m spamming.

I’m 37 now husband is 39 but this happened way back when I was 19 and he was 21.

If you go through my previous posts you’ll see one about the time I first “cheated” on my boyfriend. This happened about two months later.

There was a UK Garage night at Gatecrasher in Sheffield, a city about 40 miles away from us, and we had decided this would be a perfect opportunity for us to do something he had fantasised about, watch me flirt and dance with other men without us getting caught by anyone we know. I had a friend who knew what we were in to (we are still secretive about it now and I’d say only 10 friends know even though we’ve been doing it for 20 years) and we invited her and told her what was happening, going to a great night out plus I had free rein to do whatever I pleased. She was up for it so we booked it.
My boyfriend drove us up there and in the car there was a real sense of excitement. We couldn’t stop grabbing each other thighs and looking at each other smiling and me and my friend were already drinking getting ready for the night out.
We got to the hotel and all three of us had separate rooms in case I got lucky so I had a separate room to have sex in. Me and my husband had sex as soon as we got there and then got ready for our night out.