Somewhere around 1990 I was running an engine rebuild shop in Oregon, plus we had fuel pumps out front which were busy due to a good location. Our shop repaired engine cylinder heads, were rebuild short blocks, things like that.
There was this one gal, her name was Sarah, that came in for fuel, she drove a little Ford Escort. Those had a 4 cylinder engine, easy to work on. She always got out and checked the oil herself, our crew and I raced to be first to serve her, she was a stone fox and clearly didn’t wear (or need) a bra.
But she was also aloof, most of my crew had tried and so did I, getting nowhere. Just a smile and a “Thank you, but no thank you.”
Then came the day she was looking under the hood, I heard it before I got there and to telltale blue smoke confirmed engine trouble. There as a clicking sound, obvious valve train problem. I told her what was probably wrong, she wanted to know what that would cost and flinched when I told her.
“How about a trade?” She asked.