Getting Better Acquainted with Melissa [18 M/F Virgins, First Love, Conflict, Breastgasm]

**Part** **1** [here](

As one could expect, it was… a little tense the next day at school. The rush of brain chemicals had long ceased and their effects notably absent. I had so many lingering thoughts and questions distracting me from the normal monotony of school life. What exactly were we? Friends with benefits? Boyfriend/girlfriend? My mind was racing with the possibilities… ultimately though, it really came down to one matter: how far could this go? It was the first time I had ever gotten this close to another human being physically, sexually, emotionally- I didn’t want to screw it up! If I played my cards right, we could go all the way…

We caught each other’s gaze in the earlier class. I must’ve been looking at her as though I had been struck with cupid’s arrow because she grinned and pursed her lips as if she was stifling a bigger grin. I was quickly overcome with the need to compose myself and straightened my posture a little bit. I patiently waited to approach her after Spanish class again, just like I had done the previous day. She seemed to anticipate this attempt to approach her as she had adjusted her pace accordingly to allow me to catch up.

The Day I Redeemed Myself to “Hairy Mary” [18 M/F Virgins, humping, hairy pussy, body positivity]

First story! Sorry if I missed anything. I hope you enjoy.

“Hey Mary!” I said in a loud whisper to the girl sitting a couple of desks away.

I immediately drew my head back, slightly, understanding the gravity of my error. The girl shot me a dirty look and I swear I heard at least one other student stifle his or her laughter through his or her nose with a soft snort.

“I’m sorry…. I… just wanted to tell you the stylus fell out of your phone…”

She looked around her desk and reached for the stylus. I hung my head downward, not wanting to return another gaze. I could tell by nearby snicker what kind of look she probably gave me and was slightly relieved not to have seen it.


Her name was Melissa, actually. She was tall for a young woman, and was on the skinny side, despite her lack of participation in sports. Her hair was flowing and dark, and she had a “darker” complexion- not brown brown; perhaps almost olive, if you asked me. She could have been of Mediterranean or Middle Eastern descent (think Spain, Greece, Persia and nearby regions). Unfortunately for her, she also shared a <*ahem*> noticeably prominent fea…