I [M] am a Massage Therapist who Gives Sensual Massages, and I Expanded to My Second Client [F], PT 8

Hey everyone, thank you for your patience! A lot of you messaged me asking when this would come out, so hopefully you enjoy. My tips and recommendations doc is almost done too, I’ve just had a super stressful few weeks with some unexpected life stuff, so I focused on writing this instead. I’ll be posting it to my profile in the next week hopefully though.

As the title suggests, we’re going to be pivoting our story for the time being to the second woman who I expanded my “services” to. As I mentioned in previous parts, Sarah had told me that she confided in a friend, Emma, about what had been occurring between us. Emma was apparently very interested and had been looking for a similar experience for a while, and asked if she could make an appointment. After mulling it over, I decided to let her pass on my contact info.
The day after my [last encounter](https://www.reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/yjvfb5/i_m_am_a_massage_therapist_and_love_when_my/) with Sarah, she texted me to let me know that she passed on my details and told Emma how to make an appointment. Within the hour, I received a notification in my scheduling app for a new appointment. Emma, Friday at 4:00 PM (My last slot of the day), 90 minutes.

I [M] am a Massage Therapist and Love When My Recurring Clients [F] Build Sexual Tension, PT 7

Welcome back! A few housekeeping items – first, thanks to everyone who’s been leaving comments and providing feedback about what you’d like to hear next. This part will talk about my “coffee date” with Sarah, and the next part will cover my first appointment with her friend – after that we’ll figure it out.

Next, and this is something that I promised I would do on my old account, I’m actually working on putting together my “guide”. I’ve got some book recs, general tips and tricks, and FAQ advice planned, but feel free to let me know if you have specific questions you’d like answered. Hopefully I can get that out in the next week.

Finally, a few people have mentioned they aren’t able to see the old stories when they click on my profile. I’ll post hyperlinks here and try to include links to the last story with each new post.

[One](https://www.reddit.com/user/Practical_Humor_2553/comments/yc24tv/i_m_am_a_massage_therapist_and_love_it_when_my/)… [Two](https://www.reddit.com/user/Practical_Humor_2553/comments/yc269a/i_m_am_a_massage_therapist_and_love_it_when_my/)… [Three](https://www.reddit.com/user/Practical_Humor_2553/comments/yc26js/i_m_am_a_massage_therapist_and_love_it_when_my/)… [Four](https://www.reddit.com/user/Practical_Humor_2553/comments/yc26yg/i_m_am_a_massage_therapist_and_love_it_when_my/)… [Five](https://www.reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/yc2a99/i_m_am_a_massage_therapist_and_love_it_when_my/)… [Six](https://www.reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/yf8nk7/i_m_am_a_massage_therapist_and_love_it_when_my/)


I [M] am a massage therapist and love it when my recurring clients [F] start to build sexual tension, PT 6

Welcome back everyone! A quick summary, then we’ll get right into it.


We left off part 5 about two hours into Sarah’s appointment. We spent the first thirty minutes catching up and chatting, then the next hour giving her a full body massage, working in plenty of teasing and breathwork to slowly ramp up her desire. The last thirty minutes were spent bringing her slowly and steadily to a very drawn out and long lasting clitoral orgasm.

After coming down from her orgasm, the mood in the room turned very intimate, and I now found myself sitting in a “yab yum” position on the floor, Sarah’s naked body in my arms, her bare chest falling into me, her legs wrapped around me, the heat of her pussy pressing downwards into my hardness, separated only by my thin and loose pants. Her head was resting on my shoulder, her face pressed to the side of my neck, sighing lightly as I stroked my fingers gently up and down her spine.

I [M] am a massage therapist and love it when my recurring clients [F] start to build sexual tension, PT 5

Hi Everyone – it’s been a while, and I’ve obviously switched accounts. If any of you remember, I started writing this series under the account u/ComprehensiveNet4547 back in July, which is now deleted. I don’t have a great reason for doing so, but I got a little overwhelmed with how much attention they were getting and some people were trying to guess where I worked, and I made a rash decision to just wipe everything.

I miss writing and talking with all of you though, and quite a lot has happened since those posts, so I’ve decided to start up again. I’ve reposted the original four parts on my profile for those who want to reread in full detail. I know there probably isn’t a way to verify that it’s actually me, but hopefully you’ll recognize my writing, and well, the length of my stories.


As a brief recap though, I’m a massage therapist who works in a small co-op on the west coast of the US. I’m very interested in the connection between mind and body, and believe that a lot of mental anxiety and stress can manifest physically. When the body is stressed and anxious, a lot of our mental energy is then put in a fight or flight state. The role of my massage is to help my clients feel better physically, but also help them see if there is a deeper reason why they are holding tension.