How I lost my virginity [MF] and how I was an ass after

So when I was growing up my mum met a guy that was to become her husband. At the time I was 8 and had no idea what was to occur. He had twin daughters. Fast forward, and mum and him got married, and life was good. The twins did not live with us, or in the same town. I had an attraction to one of the twins, which I knew she did too. I put it down to being kids, as she was almost 4 years younger than me. We eventually moved to the same city as the twins. I am not sure if this was down to my mum, or my step-dad. Soon enough the parents encountered a rough patch, and things got worse from there.

So the seperation happened, and following that, the divorce. I moved overseas for a few years and worked hard, forgettign about her.

I eventually came back to my home and got along with life. Then one day while at a mates place, he got a call. It was her. She had tracked me down. I realise that it should have been a warning sign, but I didn’t.