The Blonde Doe: Happy Holidays [MF]

When I was younger, I was always the scrawny kid. I always had messy hair, broken glasses, and my physicality was that of a number two pencil. For the sake of time, I’ll get to the point: Girls never really were into me. I will admit, part of this was because many believed I was gay. It was to the point where, even to this day, some folks get that impression of me before getting to really know me, purely because I normally just have an outgoing and rather flamboyant personality. A girl in my class, (we’ll call her Brianna), was one of them.

Brianna was stunning to me at the time. She was skinny, with bright yellow-blonde hair, but my favorite thing about her physically were her bright blue doe-eyes, which developed into being “my thing” over the years. But the biggest thing I liked was her personality. We had met in school when we were younger, about the sixth grade…but obviously due to our age, nothing ever really happened. But, despite the bullying, or the fact that many of my classmates would rather ignore me…she was never afraid to be my friend. We occasionally walked to class together, ate lunch together, etc. She was just your typical golden retriever energy, girl next door, American girl!