[MF] When my princess can’t stop fucking me hard

This is the third and final part to my “The Day I discovered what a submission Collar was” series.
Part 1: “[The Day I discovered what a submission Collar was] (https://www.reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/7ww336/mf_the_day_i_discovered_what_a_submission_collar/)”.
Part 2: “[Leaving her tied up alone] (https://www.reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/8212kt/mf_leaving_her_tied_up_alone/)”.

Everything is real, but again, for the purposes of this story my ex-girlfriend’s name has been changed to Lara. I was 25 she was 23 at the time.

I got undressed and with my cock stood to attention… I slowly placed it down her throat. “My little girl is so dirty, isn’t she? I hope she’s ready to please daddy…” At first, I started slow and gently as she was still coming down from her massive orgasm. I fondled her perky breasts and stroked her delicate body. As she began to slowly recover, she started humming to give my cock some more stimulation. She placed her hands on my ass and pushed me closer. My cock was now as far as it would go, my balls now touching her lips. With the little room she had, she tried to lick my balls but couldn’t get very far.

[MF] Leaving her tied up alone

This is a continuation of my previous story; “[The Day I discovered what a submission Collar was] (https://www.reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/7ww336/mf_the_day_i_discovered_what_a_submission_collar/)”. Everything is real, but again, or the purposes of this story my ex-girlfriend’s name has been changed to Lara. I was 25 she was 23 at the time.

“Daddy, I’m all yours please use me to pleasure yourself, however, you see fit”. Lara said.

“Don’t worry… I intend to…” I replied. The first thing I grabbed from the already laid out set of toys was the rope. It was my favourite toy our of everything. I could just make some beautiful art and make her wear it as her only form of clothing… but… there are so many positions I could exploit my little girl with… so of course I choose the latter.

I asked her to lay out as a star fish so I could tie her arms and legs to each post and have her head on the foot of the bed. Her head was hanging off so I placed a pillow under her shoulders and head to ensure she wasn’t hanging off and getting a sore neck. I am thoughtful after all. She was all tied up but something was missing… her mouth ring… of course. When I went to grab it, she didn’t need to say a thing, when I turned around her mouth was already open… she knows what I wanted. I put it on her and she was ready for me to play with.

[MF] The Day I discovered what a submission Collar was

For the purposes of this story my ex-girlfriend’s name has been changed to Lara. I was 25 she was 23.

I have always been very kinky since I first had sex. I knew exactly what I wanted and wasn’t afraid to show it, in fact… I was proud of it. However, there was one thing that I never knew existed until the day my girlfriend showed me.

I had just come home from work and Lara was upstairs, her shift at the hospital wouldn’t start for another 4 hours. I shouted where she was and she told me she would be down shortly. So, I took off my coat, unloaded my bag and grabbed a drink. As I sat down and turned on the TV to watch something on Netflix, I could hear her coming downstairs. I also heard something else… it sounded like metal banging.

26 [MFM] Why I love Swinging

I’m a 26-year-old British guy and although it’s only happened once (so far), I like swinging and here’s why. For the purposes of this story, names have been changed, the guy will be named Jake (23) and the girl is named Lisa (22). I was 24 years old at the time.

It all started out on Reddit actually. This guy (Jake) was having computer coding issues and was seeking help and I offered my assistance. After a few hours we both managed to solve the problem and were ecstatic. I really enjoyed getting to know these new ways of coding and he was very thankful for my help.

We kept in contact but nothing more than a few; “Hey, how are you?” type of conversations. Then one day he messaged me. He was like; “Hey, I need your opinion on something. Its sex related so I understand if you don’t want to discuss it”. I told him; “Mate, I’m open about anything so I’m fine with it. Why, what do you want to ask?”

“My girlfriend really wants to have a threesome but she’s too shy to ask anyone. She’s bi but would like a guy for the first time. What would you do if you were me?”

[MF] Daddy’s Little Girl Has Awoken (Long build up)

This is based on one of my ex’s.

I knew from a young age I was meant to be in control. I was always the shy kid. The kid that everyone used to pick on. I would just need to walk down the hall and someone had something to say. I guess you could say I was pathetic. I wasnt unattractive, in fact I was quite slim and athletic, I just moved schools too often to make any friends.

One day a girl from the same year (year 10 in the UK) but different form, saw me being picked on. I’ve never noticed her before, not sure if she was new but she knew what to say to get them to back off. From that point on, no one ever touched me, in fact once people actually spoke to me and got to knew me we became good friends and remain so to this day. That girl saved me and i didn’t even know what she did to do so.

Me and this girl (we’ll call her Jessica, Jess for short) became his friends. When we finished secondary school, we went our separate ways. Convosations online dried up and that was it.