My Russian Nymph (flash) NSFW

It must have been six weeks after we first met at the bookstore that we met in Hampstead before sunrise for an early morning walk through the Heath. A cold, sunny day was promising to break out across the city. Large swaths of pure black froth were rolling lazily inside a cerulean dome. Alexandria’s arm was linked through mine as we walked slowly through the wide, green, open spaces.

We sat together in the centre of a cast-iron bench at the top of Parliament Hill. I smoked a hand-rolled-cigarette, Alexandria rested her hand on my knee. We did not talk a lot. In fact, apart from a few minor observations about the nature we had seen, I am quite sure we didn’t speak at all.

After observing the landscape for some time – watching trains, tracing the flight of planes, we walked hand in hand back to my apartment in Camden. I made us both cups of tea and toast smothered in butter, and we nestled in next to one another on the sofa, just like back on the hill, sipping tea, nibbling toast, watching an old James Bond film on the telly.

Alexandria the Nymph <erotic flash>

In truth I had been to the cafe just a couple of times before. Once, I met a university friend there when studying for my undergraduate degree. We were making a presentation on the Rwandan Genocide together at the time, and a small, independent bookstore seemed like an appropriately academic venue to discuss our work.

The only other time was on a date with a girl I had met along one of the aisles the week before – Alexandria, recently arrived in England from a small, rural town in East Lithuania. She lived with her Grandparents near Golders Green, was doing odd cleaning jobs in the area while she waited to start university.

I got the impression she was not entirely legitimate; her English was certainly not good enough to study at a university, and she often appeared incredibly nervous around strangers, feigning reserved Eastern modesty when fearful might have been a more adept description. Still, Alexandria was stunning, and she was without a doubt the first real woman I seduced. And where our relationship differed drastically from those in my past, it functioned undoubtedly as a page-turning-moment in my life. My relationship to Alexandria, in short, ushered in the beginning of an entirely different chapter for me in London.