Bondage encasement fantasy fulfilled [MF, femdom, D/s]

“Hey Christian, once again I’m sorry I had to abruptly end our lunch today. My friend is much better now, and is staying with family until she recovers.” Megan sent the text and spent the next 10 minutes anxiously watching her phone until a reply pinged.

“No apology needed, Megan. You’re a good friend. I actually found out today that they’re extended my project for another month. So instead of flying back tomorrow morning, I’m scrambling to order some extra clothes and supplies for my stay. Would you like to have drinks sometime this week?”

“Definitely! We didn’t really get a proper chance to catch up after all these years. How is tomorrow night?”

Just a few drinks into their meeting, they quickly rekindled the chemistry from that summer 5 years ago volunteering in AmeriCorps. Back then, during their final night hanging out, everyone else had left, and there was an opportunity to be together, if only for a night. But they were both too hesitant to act on their undeniable passion, and parted with a kiss that begged for much more. Megan had been haunted by what could have been ever since, even if it had been destined for nothing more than a one-night stand with a summer crush. She had partners and flings throughout the years before and since that summer, but she longed for Christian the most, and he was the one she came to the most intensely when she touched herself.