[F] Seducing the Boss’s Son

This week we conducted our big annual stocktake, not much fuss but pretty much all of us we’re in, invoicing everything, counting warehouse stock, as well as updating all our client records. Not exactly the most enjoyable way to spend in the offices, however there was some fun to be had.

Day 1 Monday

The day started off as any other Monday; come in, log on and start processing. When the boss came in, he introduced his son and gave us a brief plan of attack for the week. His son, William, was a typical teen type. Brunette, decent build, clean and not the most outgoing person. Half term week so no classes. There wasn’t any initial chemistry but I think we were all dealing with Monday blues.

Our first interaction was in the afternoon, whilst most folks started on the counting, me and Will finished up the processing. He was very much the type to not yet have a gf or maybe even his first kiss. As we worked, we talked and occasionally flirted. I felt his eyes scanning my body, looking into my cleavage, following my arse as I walked in/out, and eventually complimenting me on my heels.

[FM] Family Dinner: Tipsy Moment

Hi. Just wanted to share this little story and get it off my mind.

Couple weekend ago we had a family meal in the garden, followed by drinks late into the night. It was me, dad and mom. Just having a chilled night in on a Saturday.

Anyway, to cut a long story short. It got pretty late in the night, mom had drank wine and dosed off on one of the sofa, and me and dad were just chatting shit.

During the chat, there was some flirting and a lot of personal Q’s. At one point he was stroking my legs on the sofa when he said something like “you have amazing legs”. Being drunk and tired,I went with it and let him stroke them more. Can’t lie, it felt nice.

As I lay back to just enjoy it, I felt him slip my heels off and give a little foot rub. Being drunk I didn’t care and was just chilled to see dad speaking so openly.

[F]riday Night dinner out

Morning all, just a short story for this one. Went out for a meal last night, it was me, bro, dad, mom and uncle’s family. Was quite a fancy place, so guys had suit/jeans and girls had dresses.
What kept turning me on was seeing my male family members occasionally checking out my cleavage. I have no issue with this at all, as I often see dad and bro do it. But last night I found it a massive turn on. Part of me wanted to get them all to grope and kiss my breasts, but alas I managed to get through the meal and home to my vibrator

[f] Uncle’s Wedding – Mr Blue Suit

Hey, I’ve been trying to get this story typed up but never really found the time. I just wanted to get it down and see how it goes.

So, about 3 weeks ago we attended my uncle’s wedding. Was a fairly busy service; full church, plenty from our family and his wife’s. [We arrived at the church](https://imgur.com/n5PwIp7), and as usually we all stood around chatting to various members and family-friends. There was 1 guy that caught my eye straight away. Blue suit, very tall, well-built. I had no idea who he was and I just assume he was a random guest, never thought much of it, but he was the hottest guy there.

Fast-forwarded a bit, we had left to church and had driven out to a fancy hotel for the meal/ afterparty. I was sitting with my folks and noticed the Blue-Suit-Guy walk in. I think that was the moment I thought i would atleast have a snog with him, and see how it goes. I watched him walk across the room and sit at the head table, that was when I released he was actually the bf of my uncle’s wife’s daughter.