[F] Girls’ Holiday Sluttiness Remembered

So this all happened a few years ago now, which is kinda why I feel OK about sharing it. I’ve had to reconstruct the dialogue and the names to the best of my memory… hope that’s OK.

I had just got out of a long term relationship and had gone on a girls’ holiday. We all were friends from (boarding) school, so for us it was sort of an ironic holiday to celebrate after our first year at our different Unis.

Anyway, fast forward to the last-but-one night. I’d had a lot to drink and I wanted to stay out. My friends were arguing with me about going back, when a tall gentleman with a Sheffield accent (I think) stepped in and said he’d look after me. He said his name was Sam.

My friends wanted none of it, and I think they didn’t approve because he was a bit… well, from a different social class shall we say. But I looked at his stubbly beard, his tattooed arm and his muscular torso under that t-shirt and I thought…wow. Before I knew it we were making out passionately and my friends, in a sulk, had left us two to it.