I’m getting married in a month and it was two months ago I confessed this to my beloved fiancé (and still wanted to marry me 🥰) but when I recently finished college 6 years ago, I was still a bartender (21F then) and going through a breakup. My car was breaking down and I was in tough times so I applied to an ad online for ‘modeling’ which was really paid sex on camera. The group that was doing this were basically a few guys and although the guy I had sex with was attractive they were all major assholes (off camera) and are now doing hard time because they lied about it being published on the internet (I knew better that it would).
I’m not going to get into too much detail since the legal swarm sucks but want to get this off my chest–I was promised $2000 for the day but only received half of it due to their nonsense and lies. I’m trying to stay out of the lawsuit because basically the only ones that will get good money are the lawyers and the settlement for me wouldn’t even make up what I didn’t receive 😭.